Chapter 29: I Love You

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Chapter 29: I Love You

Just to warn you there is a smut scene in this chapter!

Cameron and I finally arrived at his house. He grabbed my bag and opened the door. Nothing had changed from the last time I had been here. Cameron put my bag down and put his keys on the table. I walked up to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, hard and desperately. He didn't push me away, he just kissed me as desperately back. I pulled away and grabbed his hand. I led him upstairs to our room. It's still weird saying that. He looked confused at what I was doing but I didn't care. I shut the door so Riley and Tito couldn't get in and kissed him again. I reached down to unzip his trousers but he stopped me.

"Macy, don't" he warned.

"Why not? I'm ready"

"Are you sure?"

"110% sure" he kissed me again and I unzipped his trousers. He flicked them off, took off my shirt and threw it across the room. I like that shirt! I tugged on his shirt and he took it off. He was just in his boxers. So unfair. He unzipped my shorts, but struggled with the button so I helped him. Guys. They can't do a thing properly. I felt his mouth on mine and our tongues danced with each other. Oh my god. He picked me up and placed me on the bed with him leaning over me. We still kissed and our tongues still danced. Cameron was getting excited, I could feel it. Suddenly Cameron pulled away.

"Are you sure you're sure?"

"Yes" I gasped. He gently unclasped my bra and flew it across the room. There goes my favourite bra too. For fucks sake Cameron be careful with my clothes, they have feelings.

"I'll be right back" he said. Great just leave me here laying on the bed topless. Thanks a lot. He walked back into the room with a condom. You're forgiven. Dylan's words rang in my ears 'USE PROTECTION!' Idiot.

Cameron took his boxers off and put the condom on. He gently took of my pants so we were both naked. Usually I feel embarrassed but not with Cameron. I wonder why?


"Mmhmm" I moaned.

"I love you" and that was it. I wrapped my legs around his waist so he could get better access. At first it hurt a little bit (probably because I haven't had a boyfriend in ages but hey who cares)  but then it turned into pure pleasure, we kissed some more and then with a thrust of his hips, we both fell over the edge together. Cameron took off the condom, put it in the bin and then got into bed. I wrapped my arm around his torso whilst I put my head in the crook of his arm.


"Yes Macy"

"I love you too" and it was true. I loved him and that sexual activity we just did, proved it. I felt my eyelids get heavy and didn't try and fight it.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a sleeping Cameron. I gently removed myself from my cosy position and went downstairs. I went to my bag and got out my phone. I had a text from Dylan.

Dylan: Did you use protection? x

What the fuck?

Me: How did you know?

He quickly replied. Guess he couldn't sleep.

Dylan: I know everything little sister xx goodnight

Me: Goodnight xx p.s we did :)

Dylan is such a weirdo but I love him like my brother. I decided to sit on the sofa. Riley and Tito were fast asleep on the floor (they looked so cute).

"What are you doing up?" a husky voice asked me. I turned around to see a sleepy Cameron who's hair was a mixture between sex and bed hair.

"I like your hair" I complimented.

"I like yours too but seriously what are you doing up?" he sat down beside me.

"No reason, couldn't sleep"

"Do you regret it?"

"Not one bit. Do you?"

"Nope. It was the best I've ever had"

"I'm glad about that" I smirked.

"I meant when I said I love you, you know"

"I know and so did I"

"Please come back to bed, I'm lonely" Cameron pouted.

"Okay" we walked back upstairs and snuggled.

"I love you Cameron Hurley"

"I love you Macy Roux Rodriguez"

I went to sleep for the second time with a smile on my face.

So I was really worried about uploading this chapter because of the smut scene. PLEASE tell me what you think and if you like these type of chapters because there are a few more coming up but I don't know if you like them so please tell me!

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