Chapter 7: Band meeting

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Chapter 7: Band meeting

I woke up the next morning in Cameron's arms. I wondered how I got there but then I remembered what had happened last night. The dinner, the duck pond and then the frying pan incident. I looked at Cameron who was sleeping so peacefully that I didn't want to wake him. I unravelled myself from his arms when he stirred. Oh crap. He turned onto his side facing away from me. Phew. I went into my wardrobe and picked out some black skinny jeans and a Bring Me The Horizon tank top. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower and let it heat up before I stepped in. When I tested the temperature of the water I stepped in and washed my hair with my Herbal Essences shampoo. When I had finished in the shower, I changed into my clothes and then went to my mirror to tame my hair and put make up on. I put a light layer of foundation on, some mascara and Candyfloss Lip-gloss. Once finished with my appearance I walked back into my bedroom to find Cameron still sleeping in my bed.

I decided that I was going to make him breakfast as he paid for dinner yesterday, tripped over a rock into a duck pond, pulled me in and then paid for Hot Chocolate to warm us up. I walked into the kitchen and got out everything to make pancakes. I whisked together the pancake mixture and then got out the frying pan. I chuckled as I remember the moment with the frying pan last night. I turned on the cooker and place the pan on top. I put in a little bit of oil and then poured in some of the pancake mixture. I started to cook and I flipped it. When I first started making pancakes, when I flipped them they either ended up on the ceiling, the floor or the wall. I must admit I was getting pretty good. I was knocked out of my thoughts when a heard a cough by the door. I turned around and saw Cameron in black skinny jeans and a grey T Shirt.

"Something smells good" he said.

"Yeah I made you pancakes as you paid for everything yesterday and fell in a duck pond"

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I have no idea what is going on. He only took me on a date and I said I will go on a second one with him. But we weren't exactly dating were we?

"I have a band meeting in an hour. Do you want to come with me?" he whispered in my ear.

I turned to face him, his arms still wrapped around my waist. "Am I aloud?"

"Sure you are, you get to meet the rest of We Are The In Crowd"

"Okay" I handed him a plate of pancakes and he ate them.

"Those pancakes were amazing!" he said licking his plate. I giggled at him. I finished eating my pancakes and then put both of the dishes in the dish washer. Cameron and I went upstairs to grab our stuff. Cameron grabbed his bag and I grabbed mine. Cameron held out his hand to me, I took it and he interlocked our fingers together. We headed towards the car and Cameron drove us back to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel we went up to Cameron's room. I remember the last time I was here it was just like it was yesterday. Oh wait it was yesterday. I sat on the sofa in Cameron's room and he sat next to me. There was a knock on the door.

"COME IN!" Cameron shouted. The door opened and in came the rest of We Are The In Crowd. Jordan Eckes, Taylor Jardine, Rob Chianelli and Mike Ferri.

"Cameron where the fuck were you last night?" Mike asked.

"MIKE" Tay hit him in the stomach.

"OW What was that for?" Mike glared at her. She just looked over at me and Cameron.

"Hello, I'm Taylor but you can call me Tay and this is Mike" Tay held out her hand to me and I shook it, Mike did the same and looked me up and down.

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