Chapter 30: Date number? I have no idea

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Chapter 30: Date number? I have no idea

After making the sweetest love last night with Cameron, this morning he decided we should go on a romantic date. I couldn't argue. I wanted to spend time with him. I go back to NYU in a few days and then to California. My birthday's soon as well, which I am sort of looking forward to but sort of dreading. It's my first birthday with Cameron and my band in New York but it's also my first birthday without mum, dad or Jackson (how I miss him), it's also my first birthday away from Spain (we always go for mine and Jackson's birthday) and my abuela and abuelo.

Anyway this romantic date Cameron and I are going on tonight is date number? I have no idea. I think it's five but I'm probably wrong. Cameron told me to wear something nice. So here I am looking at the clothes that I brought with me for this weekend in Poughkeepsie. None of them nice. If I'd have known I would of brought a dress with me but no. Why does this have to be so hard?

I chose a pair of denim shorts with white lace and a blue and white tank top. For shoes I chose my dark purple converse. I don't know what Cameron's been doing all day, I haven't seen him and when I have he has been in the kitchen. Every time I walked into the kitchen he told me to get out. Weird.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. Cameron got changed earlier, so he was ready. As I was walking down the stairs Cameron walked up. He stood in front of me on the step below. I bent down to kiss him and he let me. I pulled away and walked passed him.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I reached the bottom.

"Somewhere" he said walking down. He twined our fingers together and pulled me towards the door. We walked out to his car and got in. He grabbed something from the backseat. That something was a blindfold. Oh hell to the no.

"Put this on" he said handing it to me.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because it's a surprise"

I didn't even push the subject, I just put the blindfold on. I don't even know how long we had been driving. I couldn't see a thing.

Suddenly the car stopped and I heard my car door being opened. Cameron grabbed my hand and lead me out of the car. He shut the car door and locked it. He grabbed both of my hands and started guiding me to wherever we were going. After about a 5 minute walk (well it seemed like that), we stopped and Cameron untied the blindfold.

We were in a field with a canopy covered with fairy lights. Under the canopy was a picnic with scented candles.

"Cameron, this is beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you though" I couldn't help but blush at that statement.

"Is this what you have been doing all day?"

"Yes, now come on, I bet you're hungry" he said just as my stomach growled. I guess I haven't eaten today. I wonder why? Oh yes, because I couldn't get in the fucking kitchen to eat!

I sat on the picnic blanket with Cameron opposite me. There were chocolate covered strawberries (hotel in London), Blueberry muffins (Starbucks meeting), Panini's (Lunch date in London, where I ran away from Cameron), a Risotto and Steak (Dinner date). I suddenly realised what he had done. This is all the dates from our relationship.

"Cameron, this is the food that we ate on each of our dates throughout our relationship"

"Yeah it is, I wanted this date to be a collection of all our other dates"

"Oh Cameron, this is amazing and romantic"

"That's what I was going for"

I got up on my knees and leaned in to kiss him. The kiss started off innocent but quickly turned passionate. I pulled away breathless. I grabbed a chocolate covered strawberry, shoved it in his mouth and then sat down innocently. He ate the strawberry and then looked at me.

"What?" I quizzed.

"I love you so much" he said. My heart quickly gained speed. Oh My God Cameron Hurley what are you doing to me. You will be the death of me I swear.

"I love you so much too" my heart is going to jump out of my chest any moment now.

I picked up a spoon and ate a mouthful of Risotto (oh boy, it's so good). I took another spoonful and handed it out to Cameron. He didn't take it but he opened his mouth. Is that how you want to play? I shoved the spoon in his mouth and he nearly choked. Serves you right Mr Hurley.

Suddenly he stood up and picked me up. What the fuck is he doing? He threw me over his shoulder and I started pounding on his back. I gave up after a minute of fighting and just let him carry me. I was enjoying it really (I didn't have to walk). Suddenly I felt myself flying. Wait What! I shouldn't be flying (unless I just grown wings).


Oh no you didn't Cameron Hurley! He just threw me in the lake.

"What was that for?" I asked standing up.

"It happened on one of our dates" he chuckled. Oh yeah so it did. I remember something else that happened on that date. I held out my hand, foolishly Cameron grabbed it and I pulled him in with me.

"If my memory serves me correctly, that happened as well" I said.

"Yes, yes it did" he laughed.

 "I also remember this happening" he said pulling me close and wrapping his arms around my waist (Déjà vu). He slowly lowered his lips to mine and kissed me. He pulled away and I whimpered.

"I really hate the affect that you have on me" Shit did I just say that. I was thinking it, I didn't mean to say it.

"I have an affect on you?"

"Yes, yes you do. It drives me crazy"

"Well you drive me crazy" he whispered in ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. I've got to admit he is good with words.

"We should get out, I think I'm beginning to get hypothermia" I shivered, my teeth chattering.

"Okay" we started walking to the lakeside, Cameron climbed up first and then pulled me out (such a gentleman). He grabbed the picnic blanket and wrapped it around me, hugging me tightly. I didn't feel cold anymore in his arms.

"Shall we go home?" he asked looking down at me. I nodded against his chest.

He gathered up all the food and walked back to the car. I started following him but as soon as he put everything in the car he came over to me and picked me up bridal style (I could get used to the carrying, I would never have to walk again!). He put me in the car and got in. He put the heating on full blast and drove back home.

"This was the best date ever" I whispered.

"I'm glad you think so" he placed his hand on my knee. I slowly felt the world fade into darkness.

"Go to sleep Macy" Cameron whispered. He didn't have to tell me twice because the world completely went into darkness.

I felt myself being carried and then being placed on a soft object. I could fell my clothes being removed, then something being put over my head. I felt myself being laid back with something heavy but not too heavy being placed on top of me. Suddenly what I was laying on dipped and I soon felt an arm wrap around my waist. I snuggled into Cameron's chest. Then fell into a deep sleep.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt