Chapter 74: I can't do this

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Chapter 74: I can't do this

Me and Matty are sitting in his room, on his bed, facing each other, talking about the thing that happened last night.

"I can't do this Matty, I have a boyfriend"

"I know, but you brought up the past and that you missed it"

"So you took that as a hint to kiss me?"


"Matty, I love you but as a friend. Yes you were once my boyfriend and I don't regret anything. I've always loved you and I always will, just not the way you think"

"So why bring up the past?"

"Because we haven't seen each other for ages and it just popped into my mind"

"I think about it all the time" his Italian accent was so cute. I cupped his cheek with my hand "I know, and so do I, but I have a boyfriend who I'm happy with" he looked at me with the puppy dog eyes that always made me die inside "Are you? You never talk to him, you just keep getting closer to me, again" I removed my hand and placed it in my lap, watching my fingers entwine with each other, wishing one of them was Cameron's hand.

"I just can't Matty, he's my boyfriend and we do talk, he's just busy touring and filling people's ears with music"

"So why did you sleep with me in my bed last night?"

"Because we always used to before we dated, it was just a friend thing, I'm sorry I won't do it again"

"I'm not complaining, with you in my arms I fell asleep straight away"

"Me too, but this can't happen, nothing can happen between us"


"Thank you"

"No problem"

"Macy, there's someone here for you, they're in your room" Teo said.

"Thanks Teo"

I got up and headed to my room to find a figure looking at a picture of me and Matty.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We have a show in California and Dylan told me where you were, who is he?" Cameron pointed at the photo.

"My best friend, Matty"

"You don't seem happy to see me Roo, what's wrong?"

"I'm just surprised you're here and nothing's wrong"

"Yes there is Macy, I can see it in your eyes" he cupped my cheek and kissed me. I missed that.

"Now tell me, what's wrong?"

"Please don't be mad"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because Matty kissed me......."


".......and I didn't push him away" Cameron took a step back and looked at me.

"Why didn't you push him away?"

"There's something you need to know"

"Please enlighten me" he sat down on the bed and looked up at me.

"Matty and I sort of dated"

"What do you mean sort of dated?"

"It started off as a friend's with benefits type thing and then we decided to date, but it only lasted a month and then we broke it off"

"So you didn't push him away because you wanted him to kiss you?"

"No it wasn't like that Cameron, I couldn't push him away because it brought back so many memories that went through my head, I didn't realise what was happening, but I promise you I did push him away after about 15 seconds"

"Do you still feel anything towards him?"

"No, only you" Cameron grabbed my hand and pulled me down on top of him so I straddled him.

"Always you" I whispered, my lips brushing against his as I spoke.

I kissed him with all the emotion I had. The sadness when he left, the heartache from missing him and the worry of him not calling.

I needed this. I wanted this. I wanted him. I needed him.

Our clothes were removed one followed by another in the heat of the moment and then......

Cameron was brushing my hair out of my eyes and gently kissing my lips.

"I don't think I can leave you for a third time" he breathed.

"I don't think I can let you go for a third time" his chest rumbled as he laughed.

I can't let him go. Not again.

6 chapters left!

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