Chapter 47: Hello London

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Chapter 47: Hello London

So after the funniest flight of my life, we finally arrived home (well my home).

Hello London, I've missed you.

We walked out of the terminal and I saw my mum. I ran over to her and hugged her.

"Jesus Macy, people will think you've been gone for months" was my mum's greeting.

"I have been gone for months mother"

"I know and I've missed you, hey you guys" mum greeted WATIC.

"Who are you?" she asked once she came to Lost In Neverland.

"Mum, that's Dylan, Toby and Drew, also known as the rest of Lost In Neverland" I pointed to each of them.

"I know who they are Macy, I have seen your videos on YouTube"


"Cameron, have you been looking after my daughter?" she pulled him into a hug and then looked him in the eyes.

"Yes I have, but at the moment I'm not talking to your daughter"

"Why not?" I showed her the picture on my phone and she burst out laughing.

"Thanks Mrs Rodriguez"

"I'm sorry Cameron sweetie, but that is funny"

Cameron walked away and I ran up to him.

"You can't be mad at me forever"

"I know"

"Please look at me" Cameron turned around and looked into my eyes. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly but passionately.

"It was pretty funny and you're a really good artist" he whispered against my lips before kissing me again.

"Thank you, so you're not mad at me?"

"How can I be mad at that beautiful face"

"Stop, you're making me blush" I kissed him once more and then linked my fingers with his. We made our way back to the group.

"Have you two stopped the personal make out session?" Mike asked, we nodded.

"Mum, where's dad and Jackson?"

"With the ca-" my mum was cut off by someone shouting "MACY!" I quickly turned around to be rugby tackled by my brother.

"Thanks Jackson, now can you get off me?"

"Oh yeah, sorry" he pulled me up and pulled me into a hug.

"I've missed you so much" Jackson sounded like a little boy, but why?

"Jackson, what's wrong?" I pulled away and looked into his hazel eyes, were those tears?

"I'm so sorry"

"Jackson what have you done?" I looked at mum but she just shrugged.

"It's Peter" a single tear streamed down his face. Peter is my best friend, he went off to Oxford University last year, so I haven't seen him much.

"What's happened to Peter?"

"H-he's in hospital" I looked at my brother, shock clearly on my face.


"He was in a car crash"

"With who?"

"He wasn't with anyone"

"What happened?"

"He was on his way home from Oxford when he saw this thing in the road, he tried to avoid but he lost control of the car and ended up in a ditch"

"What was in the road?" Jackson looked at me with sad eyes.

"A person"

"Who Jackson?"

"Macy I'm so sorry"



"My best friend Lillie?" Jackson nodded.

"Jackson?" he looked at me with tears falling down his face.

"She's dead Macy. She was murdered"

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now