Chapter 48: This cannot be happening

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Chapter 48: This cannot be happening

Murdered? My best friend was murdered? One of my best friends committed suicide, another was murdered and another is laying in a hospital bed?

"Macy?" I could see Jackson's lips moving but it was just a muffled sound. This cannot be happening. She can't be dead.

"Macy are you okay?" more muffled sound. I covered my ears and screamed. I quickly fell to the floor but Cameron caught me.

"Macy, everything's going to be okay" he cooed, whilst rocking me back and forth.

"How about I get you guys a taxi to go to your hotel?" My mum said to the others, they just nodded. They all left to go to the hotel, leaving me in the middle of the airport, in Cameron's arms.

"Cameron sweetie can you carry her?" My mum asked. I soon felt myself being carried bridal style, I just rested my head on Cameron's chest.

We got home and Cameron took me upstairs to my room, Jackson and mum following.

"I'll make you all a hot chocolate" my mum stated before she left. Cameron still cradled me and Jackson sat at the end of the bed. Once I regained my voice I mumbled "Who would do that?"

"I don't know Macy, the police are investigating"

"Peter. I want to see Peter" my voice was more confident.

"And he wants to see you"


"Yes Macy?"

"Why do I always lose people closest to me? I lost Stacey and now I've lost Lillie"

"I don't know Macy, but I'm not going anywhere, mum and dad aren't going anywhere" I looked at Cameron.

"I'm not going anywhere Macy Moo because I love you" was his response. My nightmare came back into my mind, the one where Cameron left.

"Please don't leave Pluto" I cried tears streaming down my face.

"Shush, shush. I'm not going anywhere, I promise"

"How are her parents?" I asked.

"Whose parents?" Jackson turned to face me.


"They're distraught Macy, just like Peter, just like you"

"How is Peter?"

"Not good. I'm gonna go check on the hot chocolate" he left the room and went downstairs.

"This isn't the greeting I was hoping for"

"I know it wasn't Macy, but hey you have me to look after you"

"I feel horrible"


"Because all you do is look after me"

"I don't mind Macy, that's what love is. Looking after each other"

"Yeah looking after each other, not just one person"

Cameron didn't respond, he just held me close until Jackson and mum came up with the hot chocolate. Once I finished, I got changed into some grey sweatpants and a white vest top that belonged to Cameron. Cameron stayed with me until I fell asleep.

My world has just been flipped upside down.

So, what a twist! Nobody expected that to happen.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now