Chapter 28: Hopeless Signing

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Chapter 28: Hopeless Signing

After yesterday watching the YouTube views go up to 50,000 we completely lost it. We went to music class and rocked out. We decided we would be a pop/rock punk band like We Are The In Crowd and All Time Low but with a little bit of screaming. We were unique. First we had a female singer and guitarist (me) and second we had a bass player that sings and screams (usually bass players don't do anything but play bass but Dylan is different so go Dylan!).

Anyway we were sitting in Washington Square when suddenly I got a phone call.

"Hello, is this Macy Rodriguez, singer for Lost In Neverland?"

"Yes it is who's speaking?"

"My name is Charles Ray and I'm a managing director for Hopeless Records" Holy shit. I turned to Dylan, Toby and Drew and gestured to the phone. 'put it on speaker' Dylan mouthed. I put my phone on speaker and continued the conversation.

"Okay" I didn't know what else to say.

"I would like to sign Lost In Neverland to Hopeless Records" Charles said. I thought Dylan was going to scream because he had that face.

"Thank you so much, we'd love to"

"Can you come to California next week? I will pay for your flight and expenses"


"I'll be happy to meet and sign you" he hung up.

"I'm really glad that we are getting signed by a private label rather than a major label" Toby said. We all nodded in agreement.

"Start of small, then grow big" I said.


"Come on guys, we need to go ask reception if we can go" Dylan said. We all ran to reception and asked. She rang the principle who said yes, he also said that he loved the videos we put on YouTube and we could take off as much time as we need because we are going to be big. Even our principle watched them.

Tonight Cameron was picking me up and taking me back to Poughkeepsie. I couldn't wait to tell him that Lost In Neverland are going to California to be signed by Hopeless Records (We Are The In Crowd and All Time Low are both signed to Hopeless Records). I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it! Sorry I had to.

"Anyway, I've got to go and pack for Poughkeepsie" I announced.

"Have fun" Drew said. I started walking away from them.

"USE PROTECTION!" Dylan shouted. I stuck my middle finger up at him.

I went into my room and grabbed my bag. I shoved some clothes in, I would only be spending two nights with Cameron but I don't mind, I'm too busy with work, classes and the band to talk to him. To be with him for the weekend was just what I needed.

2 Hours later

"Hey" Cameron smiled.

"Hey" I jogged up to him and hugged him. He took my bag and put it in the car. He opened my door for me.

"How chivalrous Mr Hurley" I complimented.

"Anything for you Miss Rodriguez" he shut the door and walked around the car to get in. He started it and we drove to Poughkeepsie.

"I really liked Lost In Neverland's cover of Sugar we're going down" Cameron said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Everyone likes that one" he chuckled when I said that.

"It's a good song"

"There's no doubt about that"

"You deserve it, all of you"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"Everything. I owe you everything Cameron"

"You don't owe me anything Macy"

"You said I would be in a band when I came out here and I didn't believe you. You said I would get signed and I didn't believe you. I didn't believe in myself"

"You need to start believing in yourself and wait what? You got signed"

"I know but I do owe you and yes we got signed by Hopeless Records, we are going out to California next week to meet them"

"You don't and that's amazing, same label as us"

"I do owe you, thank you and I know exactly how to repay you"

"You do?" he looked at me with surprise.

"Eyes on the road and yes I do" he turned his concentration back to the road.

I'm ready!

Hey Guys I'm so sorry. I should of updated on Wednesday but I had college and I was so tired I forgot and then I was meant to update yesterday but something came up so I couldn't. This chapter is long waited and I'm sorry :( x What do you think she's ready for?

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang