Chapter 32: What's cooking good looking?

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Chapter 32: What's cooking good looking?

After Cameron and I's moment in the living room we took a shower. SEPARATELY. I changed into a pair of black denim shorts, Cameron's white vest top and some trainer socks. I walked downstairs to the delightful smell of food. I made my way into the kitchen.

"What's cooking good looking?" I asked.

"Meat Paella"

"My favourite" I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist with my front to his back.

"I thought so" I let go of him and he turned around. He leaned down to my ear, his warm breath on my skin making my breathing hitch.

"Earlier was so much fun" he whispered, kissing my ear.

"Yeah it was, best I've ever had"

"I've had worse, way worse"

"Don't dwell on the past just live in the present and look towards your future" I said kissing his cheek.

"You're my future, I hope"

"I'm sure I will be. By the way nice hickey and love bite, it looks painful" I kissed his sweet spot and he winced. I'd left my mark.

"It does fucking hurt"

"Now people know you belong to someone"

"Whatever" he turned back around and stirred the Paella.

"Can you lay the table?" Cameron asked.

"Sure" when he says table he means the island/breakfast bar in the middle of the room. I grabbed the cutlery out of the drawer and placed it on the table. I sat down whilst Cameron put the Paella on two plates. He placed it down in front of me (boy, did it smell good) and then sat opposite me. I ate a mouthful of Paella and it was so yummy.

"I think I just had an explosion in my mouth" I said.

"Me too"

"Cameron this is so delicious, it's nearly as good as my mum's or my abuela's"

"I'm glad you think so"

"What do you want to do tonight?"

"How about we just stay in, go to bed early and watch movies"

"That's fine with me"

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, do you want to meet my family tomorrow? I know it's your 20th birthday and everything but they really want to meet you. Mom even bought you a birthday present"

Meet Cameron's family. Tomorrow. On my 20th birthday. His mum had bought me a birthday present (she didn't even know me).

"I'd love to meet your family and I am flattered that your mum bought me a birthday present when she hasn't even met me yet"

"They all ready see you as one of the family"

"Really?" my surprise could not have been more obvious.

"Yep, they love you because I love you"

"I love you too"

For the rest of dinner we talked about random shit, my band and California.

"Shit" I said.


"I didn't call Jackson to wish him Happy Birthday"

"Text him"

I grabbed my phone and texted my brother.

Me: Happy Birthday Big Bro xxx Sorry haven't got used to time difference yet

He immediately sent me a reply.

Jackson: Thanks Lil sis and it's 1am here so you are already 20 years old here London time xxx so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! XXXXX

Me: Thanks Jacky Love you xx

Jackson: Don't call me that and love you too xx

I can't believe I'm already 20 in London.

For the rest of the night Cameron and I laid in bed watching romcoms. At one minute past midnight Cameron said "Happy Birthday Macy, you're finally 20 and an adult, but you're not old enough to drink alcohol yet"

"Thank you Cameron" I kissed his lips and he pulled me close.

We both fell asleep securely in each others arms watching The Notebook.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora