Chapter 63: Will you go to Christmas Dinner with me?

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Chapter 63: Will you go to Christmas Dinner with me?

Macy's P.O.V

Cameron got home at about 6pm, as I was cooking dinner.

"Macy, I've got something to ask you" he said walking into the kitchen.

"And what would that be?"

He walked around the table and stood in front of me. He then got down on one knee. What the hell is happening? I love Cameron, but I don't think I ready to marry him yet.

"Macy Roux Rodriguez, will you go to Christmas dinner with me?" was all he asked. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and said "Yes" I hugged him, but he soon pulled away.

"One problem, we've got to go as a Christmas character couple, and I'm stumped"

"That's fine, we can go as Mary and Joseph"

"I didn't even think of that"

"And then we can freak out your family" I whispered in his ear.

"How?" he raised one eyebrow, obviously confused.

"Well Mary's pregnant with baby Jesus, isn't she?" realisation dawned on his face.

"I know where you're going with this, and I've got to admit I love it"

"Yeah, well I love you"

"I love you too" he placed a gentle kiss on my lips and then pulled away.

"What's for dinner?"


"I haven't had Chicken in ages and the dogs like Chicken"

"I'm glad"

Cameron went to put his guitar away and then returned to help me with dinner.

I just really hope he hasn't found his Christmas present.

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