Chapter 19: Goodbye London

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Chapter 19: Goodbye London

*2 Days Later*

I am leaving for New York today with We Are The In Crowd. I am really excited but I'm also really scared to leave. It's all becoming real, Macy Roux Rodriguez going out into the big wide world and living her dreams. I had packed everything with Cameron's help of course. I was taking a lot of jumpers, skinny jeans, t shirts, a few tank tops and three pairs of shorts. For footwear I was basically taking two pairs of converse, four pairs of Vans, two pairs of biker boots and my ankle boots. Cameron helped me pick my clothes because he knows what the basic weather is over there. He told me to take jeans and sweaters. It's good that I know American English or otherwise I would be sitting here still trying to figure out what a fucking sweater was.

Anyway, all of my clothes and shoes fit into one suitcase. I was quite proud. Well, me and Cameron both had to sit on it to get the damn thing zipped up but we finally did it. My only other luggage was my backpack for the plane and my guitar. I decided to put my MacBook into my backpack because I didn't trust it being in my suitcase and I couldn't fit it in the bloody suitcase.

My parents and brother had decided that they would drop me off at Cameron's hotel and we would say our goodbyes there. They chose this option because my mum would cry and then so would I and then I would say "I'm not going!" and shit like that so we thought it would be best for them not to come to the airport. Plus they wanted to give me and Cameron some 'alone time', but I'm sure we would have plenty of that in New York.

I rang NYU to confirm my scholarship and they said they were delighted and that my room would be ready and all I had to do was go to the front desk and confirm who i was, the scholarship and the course. They would then show me my room and give me a tour. They also said I could bring someone along with me so I asked Cameron who said yes.

I was really excited that I was going to a new country and meeting new people but i was also sad because I was leaving my family and friends behind. I decided to look on this moment (New York and Cameron) as a new chapter in my life.

I grabbed my suitcase and backpack and headed downstairs. My suitcase bumped down the stairs, my dad saw me struggling and grabbed my suitcase off me.

"Come on lets get going!" my mum said as we all headed out the door and got in the car. On the way to the hotel the car was silent. Dad parked in the car park and lifted my suitcase out of the boot. I saw Rob, Jordan and Cameron loading the van we were going to the airport in. My dad walked over and put my suitcase in the van. I walked over to Cameron who pulled me into a hug and lifted me. He put me down and kissed my lips gently. I whimpered when he pulled away.

"We have plenty of time to do that on the plane" he whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps at the feel of his breath against my skin.

"Okay" I said. He pulled me into another hug and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I heard someone clearing their throat behind me, I turned around to see my brother. He walked over to us and I pulled away from Cameron.

"If you fucking dare hurt her or break her heart I will fucking kill you Cameron Hurley" Jackson said. I looked up at Cameron who nodded.

"Fair enough but I won't hurt her" he whispered something in Jackson's ear that I couldn't hear.

Jackson smiled at me and so did Cameron. Okay this is officially weird. What did he whisper? They were both smiling at me so it must be good.

"Macy!" Tay shouted running up to me and hugging me.

"Hey Tay. Can't. Breathe" she let go and the air rushed to my lungs. Cameron chuckled.

"This is not a chuckling moment Cameron, I could of died" I said. He put his hands up in defence.

"Now that is a little bit of an exaggeration" he said. I scowled at him and he put his hands up in defence again. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he kissed my hair.

"Are you ready to go to your new home?" he asked.

"At NYU sort of. I don't want to end up with an annoying roommate"

"I'm sure you won't"

I stood on my tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

"We're leaving in 20 minutes" Mike shouted.

"I've got to go and get my stuff out of my room, do you want to come?" Cameron asked me. I looked at my mum and she nodded.

"Yeah" he grabbed my hand and we walked to the elevator. We went up to his room and he opened the door. Cameron went into the bedroom and I stood in the living room. So many memories in this room. Where we did my NYU application. When I was asked to support We Are The In Crowd for the rest of their London shows and where Cameron and I first kissed.

"What are you thinking?" i jumped at the sound of Cameron's voice.

"Oh nothing, just how this room has so many memories of us"

"Yeah it does"

"We had our first kiss here"

"And we also had our last one"

"What do you mean?"

"Our last kiss of our time in London"


He walked over to me and kissed me passionately. I whimpered again when he pulled away.

"Come on, we've got to go and you have to say goodbye to your family" he took my hand in his and walked downstairs. We went outside to be greeted by the rest of We Are The In Crowd, management and my family. I went over to my family to be pulled into a hug by my mum.

"You be careful out there okay?"

"Yeah mum I will, I promise". My dad was next. He pulled me into a hug.

"If you get put into a band, then you drop college okay?"

"Why?" I asked him.

"I know it's always been your dream to be in a band. I don't care if you drop out of college it's not costing me anything" I laughed at him.

"Thanks dad" I walked over to Jackson who pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I know we've had our moments but I love you" he said.

"I love you too Jacky"

"Don't call me that" he scowled at me.

"I'm going to miss you so much"

"I'll miss you too, now go and have fun in New York. Make sure you call and text me"

"I will"

"And if you get into a band, you will send my tickets to your show"

"Yep, promise"

"Okay then, now you go run along little sis and go and live your dreams"

"Thank you Jackson" I gave him another hug and kissed his cheek. I walked over to Cameron who was smiling.

"Ready?" he held out his hand.

"Ready" I grabbed his hand and waved goodbye to my family. I don't know when I'll seen them again.

*At the Airport*

We had been sitting there for 2 hours. Our plane was finally called and we all headed towards the gate. I grabbed Cameron's hand and he kissed my forehead. When we sat down, they played the safety video and announced take off. The plane took of and I waved out the window.

Goodbye London. I'll be back soon I promise.

I leant my head on Cameron's shoulder and he leant his head on my head. I drifted off into a sweet relaxing sleep.

Here's chapter 19! She's finally left London. Do you like the new cover?

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now