Chapter 26: How about we start a band?

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Chapter 26: How about we start a band?

So it turns out Dylan, Toby and Drew are all in my Song Writing class as well. It's awesome. We asked Professor Black if we could use the band room after classes and she said we could use it anytime. Over the past two days all we've done is cover and learn songs it's wicked. We all get on so well. I don't really hang out with Katie. I hardly see her, she's usually out with her literature buddies so the boys come into my room or we go into Dylan and Toby's.

We are currently in my room chilling, eating Pizza. Dylan and I are sitting on my bed whereas Toby and Drew are on the floor. No one dares sits on Katie's bed, you will get murdered believe me. She doesn't like anyone touching her things.

"Hey guys" Toby called. Yes he calls us guys but I don't mind, I kind of like it.

"Yeah" Dylan, Drew and I said.

"How about we start a band?"

"Toby you are a genius. You guys up for it?" Dylan asked. Everyone nodded.

"It's agreed, we are officially a band" Dylan announced. We all grabbed our drinks and toasted.

"Officially a band with no name" we shouted.

My phone bleeped.

Jackson: Hey how's New York?

Me: It's awesome. Met some great guys and guess what?

Jackson: What? Quick reply.

Me: We've started a band

Jackson: That's great Macy, I'm so happy for you xx

Me: Thanks xx

I missed my brother so much but hey I had three new ones. I've been at NYU for two days and I haven't heard from Cameron. Oh well.

My phone started ringing. Speaking of the devil or should I say sexy guitarist.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"It's brilliant, I've met some really cool guys"

"Really? How's Katie?"

"I don't see her, she's always out with her literature and philosophy pals but I don't care"

"What you doing now?" Cameron asked.

"Celebrating why?"

"Celebrating what?" he quizzed.

"Becoming a band"

"No way! I told you it would happen. Anyway the reason I rang you was to see if you're busy"

"Not really why?"

"Look outside your window" I walked over to the window and Dylan, Toby and Drew followed. Nosey Buggers. I looked down and saw Cameron waving.

"You're downstairs" I stated into the phone.

"Yep, I wanted to surprise you"

"That you did"


"I'll be right down"

"Okay" I hung up and looked at my new band mates.

"Do you guys want to meet my boyfriend?"

"Yeah" Drew said.

"We have to look out for you, you're like our little sister" Toby added. Aww these guys are amazing.

We headed downstairs to Cameron. When I opened the Hall door, I ran into Cameron's arms. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him hard and desperate. The kiss seemed to of lasted hours but only lasted a couple of minutes. We were rudely interrupted by Dylan.

"Do you guys think you could stop the PDA now please?"

Cameron put me on the ground and I turned to them.

"Dylan, Toby and Drew, this is my boyfriend Cameron Hurley"

"Cameron, this is Dylan, Toby and Drew" I pointed to each one and they all had their mouths hung open.

"You didn't tell us your boyfriend was Cameron Hurley from We Are The In Crowd" Toby stated, mouth still hanging open.

"You guys never asked"

"We thought your boyfriend was going to be some twat from England" Dylan added.

"Do you guys approve?" I asked looking at them.

"Fuck yes" Drew replied.

"Good, now could you leave and give us some alone time?"

"Of course" they scurried off back into Hayden Hall.

I looked at Cameron who smiled.

"I've missed you so much" he said.

"I've missed you so much too" I kissed him again, he put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him.

"Are you coming back to Poughkeepsie at the weekend?" he murmured.

"Of course"

"I really don't want to drive back to Poughkeepsie tonight"

"Then don't" I could see what he was getting at.

"But I have no where to stay" and there it is ladies and gentlemen, he wants to stay with me for the night. How sweet.

"Then stay with me"

"Are you sure Katie won't mind?" suddenly my phone bleeped.

Katie: Hey not going to be in room tonight, staying at Jace's

Me: Okay

Jace, I finally found out from her lifelong lecture was her boyfriend of four years.

"She's not in tonight, she's staying with her boyfriend"

"Okay" he took my hand in his and we walked up to my room. When I opened the door, Dylan, Toby and Drew were sitting on the floor.

"What are you doing in my room?" I glared at them.

"Well we were already hanging out in your room before Cameron decided to join us, so when we scurried back inside we came here" Drew explained.

"Get out!" I sternly said. They literally all jumped up and ran out the door, taking the pizza boxes and rubbish with them.

"Now we are alone" I said as Cameron grabbed my waist.

"Good" he let go of me and started stripping (not that I was complaining but What The Hell?)

"What are you doing?" I asked puzzled by his actions. He standing in his boxers and believe me I liked the sight that was in front of me.

"Going to bed" he walked over to my bed and got in. I started taking my clothes off and got into my pyjamas. I got into bed and snuggled into Cameron's arms.

"Goodnight Macy"

"Goodnight Cameron"

I faintly heard a murmur of "I love you" but I'm sure I was hearing things before I went to sleep.

So they are finally a band! YAY!!

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