Chapter 77: Do you still love him?

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Chapter 77: Do you still love him?

"Why are you even considering this? I thought you were happy"

"I am happy, it's just that he's on tour and when he finishes tour I'll be on tour, Warped tour. I just can't keep saying goodbye and spending time apart form him"

"Do you still love him?" Dylan's question shocked me.

"More than pop tarts and you know how much I love pop tarts" Ever since I moved to America, I've been addicted to pop tarts.

"Wow, you really love him don't you"

"I do, but I just can't be away from him"

"Do you trust him?"

"Of course I trust him!"

"So why are you considering it, if you trust him?"

"Because I don't want one of us getting hurt and it's most likely to be him who gets hurt"




"Matty" Dylan finally caught on, "Oh!"


"You're going to leave him broken hearted"

"I know and that's why I don't know whether to do it"

"Maybe you could just take a break for a bit, whilst you're on tour"

"And how do I say that?"

"You just tell him straight"

"Okay, I just don't know"

"It's your decision but after everything that you've been through, you're both going to end up broken hearted" Dylan left me to contemplate my thoughts.

Should I? Or shouldn't I?

I knew the questions, I just didn't know the answer.

What do you think she's gonna do?

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora