Chapter 4: Dinner Date

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Chapter 4:Dinner Date

I walked through my front door and the house was eerily quiet. I walked into the kitchen to find a note on the counter.

Hey sweetie, we decided to go and see Auntie Megan and Uncle Joe. We will be staying over tonight so won't be back till 12pm tomorrow. You can do what ever you want just don't have a huge party and wreck the house. You can go out and stay out for as long as you want but make sure you are home before us,

Love Mum, Dad and Jackson x

Great. House all to myself, get to stay out for as long as I want. No curfew. Get to stay with Cameron with no time limit. This has got to be the best day ever. I looked at the clock. 4:00pm. 3 hours until Cameron picks me up. I ran upstairs to my walk-in closet. I went to the sophisticated section. Yes I have a sophisticated section in my closet because my family goes to a lot of classy dinners.

I looked through every part of my closet and I finally decided on a royal blue dress. It was a simple dress which was just above the knee length. I looked through the rest of my closet to see what I could wear with it. I chose a black leather jacket because it complimented the dress well. I walked through my closet to the back and opened the door to my shoe closet. I kept looking at my sparkly silver sandals but then I thought that they were too in your face type of shoes. I picked out some simple black wedged ankle boots. To top off the whole outfit I chose the locket that Jackson gave me for my 18th birthday. Yes I know you are all probably thinking that Jackson has the same birthday as me but he doesn't I will now explain dear reader. Jackson was born on 15th July 1993 at 11:59pm and I was born on 16th July 1993 at 12:01am. So Jackson is 2 minutes older than me but he was born before midnight and I was born after. It really sucks but it is quite good because we don't have to share a birthday cake. I know I make Jackson sound like a horrible twin but he really isn't. He is so sweet and caring. He has always protected me and looked out for me. That's the good thing about having a brother in the same school year as you, if a boy was pissing me off Jackson would get rid of them. We always hung out together at school but we didn't mind. People thought we were weird but we didn't care and we still don't.

I looked at my phone. 4:45pm. It took me 45 minutes to pick out an outfit. What is wrong with me? I went into my en suite bathroom and had a shower. I took off all my make up and was going to reapply it afterwards. After my calming shower I wrapped my hair in a towel and put on my bath robe and went into my room. I grabbed my make up bag. I sat on the stool in front of my mirror and started to reapply my make up.

I put on a little bit off foundation and blusher. I thought about what type of eye shadow to put on. I finally decided on smoky grey. I applied my eye shadow and then a thin line of black liquid eyeliner. I finished off my eyes with a thin layer of mascara. I hoped that Cameron would like it. I didn't want to look like a slut. I unravelled my hair from it's towel and let it dry naturally. When my hair dried naturally it went into soft waves.

1 hour later. 5:55pm. My hair dry and naturally styled. Make up done. Now I just needed to get dressed. I dried the rest of my body and decided to get dressed. I pulled on nude coloured tights and pulled my dress on. I smoothed it down and then sat on my bed to put my boots on. I clasped the locket around my neck and pulled on my leather jacket. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs to wait for Cameron. On the way downstairs I took a quick look at myself in the full length mirror. I didn't look that bad. I've looked worse.

I sat on the sofa and waited. 6:15pm. My throat was beginning to get dry and scratchy so I went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and poured some California Style Sunny D into a glass. I drank it in a matter of seconds I was that thirsty. My throat started to feel better and the scratchiness eased away. 6:25pm. I went back into the living room and sat on the sofa. I grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on. I flicked through the channels but there was nothing interesting on. I turned the TV off because there was no point in wasting electricity. I walked through the house until I came to my music room. The room that only I was allowed to go in and used. In there were various guitars, string instruments, woodwind instruments, a microphone and a grand piano.

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