Chapter 21: Hello New York

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Chapter 21: Hello New York

I woke up with my head on Cameron's shoulder. I lifted my head and he looked at me.

"How long have we got left?" I asked.

"About three hours left" he replied. He kissed my forehead and I stoked his cheek. I turned towards him and looked into his eyes. I love his eyes. He brushed my hair that had fallen in front of my face away. I cupped his cheek and leant in to kiss him. Without hesitation he kissed me back and our lips moved in sync. I love this guy with all my heart. Wait what? Did I just say I love Cameron? Yes, yes I did. Shit. He probably doesn't feel the same way. I love him. But i wasn't going to tell him that just yet. I don't want to scare him off which I probably would because I'm that type of person that scares guys off because i said three little words. I suddenly realised I still kissing Cameron while my thoughts ran wild.

"STOP THE PDA!!!" I heard Mike shout. I pulled away from Cameron reluctantly. He was extremely breathless and panting, I kissed his cheek and he smiled. It was true, I loved him and I meant it. Anyone can say 'I love you' but it doesn't mean that they actually mean it. Believe me, I've said 'I love you' and not meant it. I've said it loads of times and not meant it. But with Cameron it's different. I do mean it. I mean every single word.



"I'll miss you"

"What do you mean?"

"I'll miss you when I'm at college because I don't know when I'll see you again"

"Macy, I'm not going to let college get in the way of our relationship"


He kissed my forehead and I put my head in the crook of his neck. I grabbed one of his earphones and put it in my ear. I had now idea what the song was but I liked it. He smiled down at me and kissed my head. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. We sat in silence listening to Cameron's iPod.

*Three Hours Later*

We finally arrived in New York! Yay I was so excited! I didn't have to be at NYU until Sunday and it was Friday now so I had a day and a half. I had no where to stay in the mean time. Crap. We all made our way off the plane and grabbed our luggage. We stood outside the airport talking waiting for taxis.

"So Macy where are you staying?" Tay asked.

"Ermm.. I don't have anywhere to stay" I mumbled. Cameron turned to me and pulled me to his chest.

"You can stay with me if you want?" he said.

"I don't want to bother you"

"Macy I live in a house on my own, you won't bother me and your my girlfriend" it would never get tiring with him saying I was his girlfriend. It made it real to me and not just a dream.

"Okay then as long as you promise to take me to NYU campus on Sunday"

"I promise" he took my hand in his and I shivered. Cameron noticed this because he let go and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. His kissed my head gently. Our taxis arrived fifteen minutes later and we all went our separate ways. Cameron told the driver his address and sung his arm around my shoulder. I kissed his cheek and he smiled.

Twenty minutes later we arrived in a rural area. Cameron paid the taxi driver and got our luggage out of the taxi. He took out his keys and opened the door to the house. I followed him in as he dropped the luggage in the hallway.

"So this is my house" he said from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his chin on my shoulder.

"It's amazing" I breathed. Cameron started kissing my neck and trailed his kisses along my jaw. I was so glad he was holding me because I would be a melted Macy on the floor. I suddenly noticed that my feet were no longer touching the floor and my legs were wrapped around Cameron's waist. When did I turn around? When did he pick me up?

He was carrying me up the stairs. Oh my god. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he groaned. I stopped kissing him and he pouted. He tried to kiss me again but I moved my head and started kissing his sweet spot. He groaned again. He kicked a door open and lied me down on the bed with him on top of me.

"Cameron?" I gasped.

"Don't worry Macy, this isn't going to go any further if you don't want it to, now just kiss me" well that's it, he pressed his lips against mine and he licked my bottom lip. I granted him access to my mouth and our tongues tangled together. Oh my god he tasted so good. He started kissing my jaw and nibbling my ear. He then attacked my neck with affection. He didn't even let me look around the house, he just went straight into a heated make out session. To be honest I wasn't complaining. I loved it. I love him. There we go again Macy the love word. I really need to stop rambling and step back into reality to this lovely boy kissing me.

He kissed my lips again and then pulled away breathless.

"I'm sorry" he said breathlessly.

"For what?"

"I couldn't take it any longer. I wanted to get away from them so I had you all to myself"

"I know what you mean"

"Good. Do you want something to eat or drink?" really he's thinking about food and drink right now, after that?

"Okay" he got off of me and pulled me up. We headed downstairs and on the way down I saw pictures of dogs and his family. There was a picture of him and Courtney (his sister) and they looked so cute together.

We walked into the kitchen and Cameron grabbed two cans of coke out of the fridge and two packets of crisps. He handed me a coke can and a packet of crisps. He sat down on a bar stool by the island in the middle of the kitchen. He gestured for me to sit in the other one next to him. I sat down and opened my coke. I took a big gulp and opened the crisps. We ate and drank in silence. once we finished Cameron put the rubbish in the bin and then sat back down.

"So what do you think of New York so far?"

"It's great and I love Poughkeepsie"

"Me too"

He kissed my forehead and then we headed into the living room and watched The Notebook. Cameron fell asleep halfway through the film and I felt my eyelids start to get heavy. In the end I let sleep win the battle.

So there's chapter 21! I forgot to mention on my last Chapter in the Author's Note that CAMERON'S BEEN VERIFIED ON TWITTER!!!! BTW you can follow me on Twitter @TRexyxx

See You next Chapter :)

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