Chapter 13: The Music Store

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Chapter 13: The Music Store

I woke up to an empty bed but the smell of pancakes.

Where the fuck am I? I thought. Then it all came rushing back to me, the gig, me performing, never have I ever in Mike's room and Cameron carrying me to bed for the second time in four days. I got up and looked at what I was wearing. A pair of Cameron's short's and a vest. I grabbed my clothes and got changed. I followed the smell of pancakes to be greeted by Cameron sitting at the table eating them.

"Save any for me?" I asked casually, sitting down opposite him.

"Of course" he pushed the plate towards me and I started eating. Once I finished eating I looked up at Cameron who was staring at me.

"It's rude to stare" I interrupted his gaze.

"Not if the person they're staring at is beautiful" ooh he's good, so good that I blushed. Damn you cheeks.

"Okay I forgive you, what are we doing today?"

"Well the other day I found this awesome music store and I thought we could go there"

"Would that music store be called Wally's Musical Madness?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Wally is my cousin"

"Oh well then maybe we could get a discount"

"Of course we can, I get staff discount"

"Staff discount?"

"Yeah I work there sometimes"

"Okay, are you ready to go?"

"Yep pretty much"

I grabbed my bag and guitar and then we walked out to Cameron's car. We headed downtown to Wally's Musical Madness. As we walked in the bell above the door dinged.

"Roux what brings you here?" Wally greeted me.

"Nothing Waldo, Cameron here wanted to have a look around" Wally nodded and Cameron went over to the guitars. That boy and his guitars.

"Roux, guess who was in here the other week?"

"I don't know who?"

"Your mate Damien from Searching Alaska"

"No Way"

"Yeah, he said he was coming in today actually"


"Yep" the door bell dinged and standing there was Damien.

Let me shine a light dear reader on who Damien is. Damien is from Essex and plays bass guitar in a band called Searching Alaska, who are amazing. I used to live in Essex when I was younger (that's how I know Damien) but then I moved into the City of London so I don't get to see him much, only when he is in town and not touring. Searching Alaska just got asked to perform at Download Festival on the Red Bull Stage and I know that Damien was really excited. They are like We Are The In Crowd but an English version.

"Macy!" Damien shouted.

"Damien!" I ran into his arms and he hugged me.

"Oh my god, Macy it's been too long"

"I know, I need to come to Essex"

"Yes you do"

"And I will, when I have time"

"You better because Searching Alaska has really taken off"

"I know, how is everyone?"

"They're good, we've been in the studio and getting ready for Download festival, which we are stoked to be doing"

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now