Chapter 42: Going Home

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Chapter 42: Going Home

The next few days were a bit of a blur, we were in and out of the studio, recording. If we weren't recording we were at a photo shoot, posing for the new single cover. I hardly saw Cameron, he himself was busy writing and recording the new WATIC album. I can't wait for tomorrow because we're going home, and it's Cameron's birthday! I haven't got him a birthday present yet, but me and Dylan are going out on the town to find him something. There's only one tiny little problem. I can't get out of the hotel room. Now dear reader I'm guessing you're wondering why I can't get out of the hotel room? and that there is a certain thing called the door.

Well I'll tell you. Cameron sort of fell asleep, on top of me. His head on my stomach and my fingers playing with his hair. So now I can't get out without disturbing him, and I can't disturb him because I don't want him to know where I'm going or get suspicious. So my dear reader I'm in a spot of bother.

I heard a knock on the hotel room door, the door open, the door close, footsteps. Am I going to be murdered? Why would a murderer knock Macy? I have no clue. The bedroom door opened to reveal Dylan.

"What happened to shopping for Cameron's birthday present?" he said, all I had to do was point at Cameron and Dylan made an O face.

"Help me"

"And how am I meant to do that?"

"I don't know, just get him off me!" Dylan stood there and looked at me . I gave him the get your ass in gear look but he did nothing. Well he's gonna be a lot of help. I ran my fingers through Cameron's hair.

"Cameron baby?" I cooed.


"Cameron baby wake up" I started stroking his cheek but he swatted me away.

"Cameron baby please wake up" his eyes fluttered open.

"What?" he huskily asked. If he keeps speaking like that, I won't be able to leave him to go shopping for his birthday present.

"Baby I need to go, I promised I would do some shopping with Dylan" he sat up and rubbed his eyes like a little vulnerable boy. Stop it Cameron.

"Okay, I guess I'll just sleep some more." He lied down on the bed still looking at me.

"What time did you get in last night?"

"Ermm... late" I leaned over and kissed his lips softly.

"I'll be an hour or so"

"Okay, I'll probably be sleeping"

"Okay" I left the room with Dylan. We made our way to the lobby and then on to the town.

"What do you want to get him?"

"I know exactly what I want to get him" I grabbed Dylan's hand and dragged him to the music store. I bought Cameron's birthday present and carried it back to the hotel.

"Macy, how are you meant to get that back to New York without Cameron noticing?"

"I'll give it to him in the morning, but for now I need you to keep it in your room"

"Fine" I handed him the present and he walked into his room. I opened the door to our room and headed to the bedroom. Cameron was lying on the bed, sleeping. I lied down with him and placed my head on his chest.

"Hey" I looked up and saw Cameron's big Brown eyes looking at me.

"Hey yourself"

"I love you Macy"

"I love you too Cameron, now go back to sleep"

I soon felt myself drifting off to sleep. I finally fell asleep on Cameron's chest, listening to his heart beat.

So this is the first chapter of 2014! Scary. Anyway, Happy New Year and I hope that you all celebrated well. I can't believe that I get to meet WATIC in just over a month. So excited!

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