Chapter 75: Come to the show

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Chapter 75: Come to the show

"Come to the show, please" Cameron begged. He didn't have to beg, he knew I couldn't say no.

"Of course I'll go"

Cameron kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We headed to the venue and entered into a load of hugs. Or more like, I entered to a load of hugs. Tay was first.

"I missed you so much, you're my best girlfriend"

"Gee, thanks Tay"

Next was Rob.

"Hey Rob, missed you and your kick ass drum playing"

"Missed you too"

After Rob was Jordan. I looked up at the 6 ft 4 giant.

"Yeah I've not missed the crick in my neck just looking up at you Jordan" he chuckled and hugged me.

Last was Mike. I just glared at him.

"I'm sorry Macy"


"For keeping your boyfriend away from you and worrying you to death"

"Apology might be accepted, what do you think Cameron?"

"I think he's suffered enough Roo"

"Mike your apology has been accepted"

"Thank God" I hugged him and then went back to Cameron.

"I missed this" I said to him.

"I know and I'm sorry for not bringing you along"

"I know you are and your apology has been accepted"

"I'm glad, I don't want my girlfriend being mad at me" he kissed my jaw and pulled me to him.

Can I keep doing this?

My signed copy of Weird Kids came!! So happy! Now for all seriousness: SEQUEL ANNOUNCEMENT! The sequel is called...................... Come Back Home! *Insert happy dance*

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