Chapter 38: Californ-i-a

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Chapter 38: Californ-i-a

Two days later

In the last two days me and Cameron just hung out at the house. We went for lunch yesterday but that was about it. We just chilled.

Anyway today Lost In Neverland are going to Californ-i-a (like the Never Shout Never song)! We are so excited and we just can't hide it (sorry I had to again, you're probably getting sick of that joke). Currently we're at the airport, just about to board our plane. We Are The In Crowd is coming out to California in a few days to work on their album and a new single. We're spending two weeks and half a day in California. I bet you're asking why the half a day, well I will tell you. We Are The In Crowd are out in California for a few days and leave halfway through 2nd August (Cameron's birthday, so we're spending the morning in California and then the night in New York). So we decided (because I wanted to spend the whole of Cameron's birthday with him) that we would stay out here for two weeks and then go back with We Are The In Crowd.

"The 1pm flight to LAX is boarding now" the woman announced. We headed to the gate and boarded the plane.

I was in between Dylan and an old woman. She reminded me of Betty White. I decided to text Cameron.

Me: Hey I'm on the plane now, I'll text you when we get to LAX

Cameron: Awesome have fun, see you soon and good luck with the signing you all deserve it x

Me: Thanks, can't wait to see you xx

Cameron: I miss you already :( xx

Me: Miss you too but we will be reunited soon :) xx

Cameron: Yep try not to have too much fun while I'm not there xx

Me: I won't I'll cry until you get here xx

I sent him a picture of my pouting.

Cameron: That's now my lock screen, love you xxxxx

Me: Lol and love you too Pluto xxxxx

I turned my phone on flight mode.

"Was that your boyfriend you were texting?" Betty White lookalike asked me.

"Yeah, how did you guess?"

"Your smile"

"Oh, my names Macy"

"My name's Betty" Fucking hell, ironic much.

"What's your last name?" I asked.

"Johnson, what's yours?" Oh good, it's not White. I would have had a heart attack if it was.


"You're not from here are you?"

"No, I'm from London"

"I love London, it's beautiful"

"Yeah it is"

"Can you please take your seats ready for take off" the air hostess said.

"Are you excited?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah you?"

"Totally we're getting a record deal" I laughed at his reaction. He reminded me of a little kid at Christmas.

I took my iPod out of my pocket and put in my earphones. Five hour flight. I felt my eyes starting to get heavy so I closed them.

Five hours later

"Macy wake up" I heard Dylan's voice and then I felt myself being shook. I opened my eyes.

"What?" I asked groggily.

"We're landing in LAX"

"Oh my god"

"I know" Dylan clapped his hands.

We finally landed and now we were waiting for Dylan's suitcase. Trust him to hold us up. When his suitcase finally arrived we headed outside. Apparently there was a car waiting for us. A guy approached us "Lost In Neverland" he said. "Yes" we all replied. He grabbed our suitcases and put them in the car. We all tried to fit but we couldn't so I ended up sitting on Dylan's lap. We arrived at the hotel. We checked in and headed to our rooms. We all had a room each and when We Are The In Crowd arrived Cameron was staying in my room.

We weren't meeting Charles at Hopeless Records until tomorrow at 11am so we had plenty of time.

So I bet you're wondering why I called Cameron Pluto. I will tell you. The day after my birthday I was watching Mickey Mouse cartoons on TV in the living room and Cameron came in and asked with clear surprise "You like Mickey Mouse?"

"Yes, my favourite character is Pluto" I replied looking up at him.

"I'm going out, I will be back in an hour" he said walking towards the door.

"Okay" and with that he was gone. An hour later he walked through the door with something gift wrapped in his hand. He sat on the sofa and handed it to me.

"This is for you, call it a late birthday present" he said smiling. I opened (more like ripped) the present and inside was a soft toy Pluto (the dog from Mickey Mouse).

"Cameron you didn't have to get me this" I said.

"I wanted to, the way you smiled when you said your favourite character was Pluto, I couldn't not get you one and I want you to take it to California with you so every time you look at him he will remind you of me" he said sheepishly.

"Okay I will take him to California with me on one condition" Cameron furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's that?"

"Your nickname for me is Macy Moo so I can call you Pluto"

"Okay deal" and then he kissed me.

So that ladies and gentlemen is how Cameron Hurley got the nickname Pluto. I unpacked my bag and held Pluto (the toy) close to me. It smelled of him (Cameron not Pluto) but that's only because I made Cameron cuddle it and then sleep with it so it picked up his smell. He thought I was totally bonkers but then I gave him the reason that it will help me remind me of him if it had his smell, so being the wonderful boyfriend he is he did.

I missed him so much but I knew I would be with him soon. There was a knock at my door. I placed Pluto on the bed and went to open the door. The door revealed Dylan.

"Hey Macy we were just going for dinner, do you want to come?" he asked leaning on the door frame.

"Sure" we walked down to the lobby to Toby and Drew. We all headed to McDonalds down the road. We all ate loads because we were hungry and plane food is awful. After dinner we decided to walk around LA.

2 hours later and we are in the hotel. I'm in ma room chillin' with Pluto watching Friends. I was lying on my bed and my eyes started getting heavy. I couldn't fight to keep them open so I left them close. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep, cuddling Pluto.

Three chapters in one day, I guess you guys are lucky! I will try and update tomorrow.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum