Chapter 46: Goodbye New York

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Chapter 46: Goodbye New York

So WATIC are going on tour in the UK and then playing main stage at Reading and Leeds festival and I'M GOING HOME!

Over the past week or two I've been driving Cameron mad because I'm going home today and I get to see my family. Currently we're at the airport, shopping. Oh and I forgot to mention Dylan, Toby and Drew are coming too, so that's made me even more happy.

"Are you excited to go home?" Tay asked.

"Yes, I love New York and Poughkeepsie, but nothing can beat home"

"I know what you mean, I felt exactly the same when I left New York for the first time"

"And now?"

"Now I've seen so many amazing places, I don't get homesick"


"Cameron told me that you're going to ask your family to come out to L.A. with us"

"Yeah I am"

"It'd be great Macy if you had your family with you"

"Dylan, Toby and Drew are also coming to L.A."

"Yep Cameron told me that too" we both laughed.

"I hate to interrupt the girly chat, but we've got a plane to board" Cameron said. We paid for our items and then boarded the plane.



"In these past two months, I've travelled on a plane more than I have in my entire 20 years of existence" Cameron chuckled.

"How do you get to Spain then?"

"We drive"

"That makes sense"

We soon took off. Goodbye New York.

In just over eight hours, I will be reunited with my family and I can't wait.

During the flight Cameron fell asleep (what a surprise), but I stayed awake because I was too excited.

"Macy?" I turned around to see Rob.


"Is Cameron asleep?"

"Yeah, why?" Rob handed me a black marker pen. Oh, I know what he wants me to do. I took the pen and started to draw in Cameron's face. He stirred a few times, but I was able to finish my masterpiece. I took a picture and showed it Rob and Mike.

"Oh my God, that's priceless" Mike said.

"What's happened?" Tay asked.

"Macy turned Cameron into Sherlock Holmes"

"No way"

"She drew the pipe and everything"

"Macy you're a legend" Rob stated.

"I try my best" was my come back.

Cameron soon awoke and wondered why the fuck we were looking at him like he had something on his face, which he did.

"Cameron, can we take a selfie together?" I asked as Mike and Rob burst into laughter.

"Sure" I pulled my phone out of my pocket and put it on the front camera. Cameron and I pulled a face and I took the picture. It wasn't until afterwards he realised. He pulled out his phone and looked at his reflection. He turned to Rob and Mike.

"What did you do?"

"We didn't do anything" Mike tried to stiffle a chuckle but failed.

"Dude if I was you, I would ask your girlfriend" Rob pointed out. Cameron looked at me.


"Rob told me to!" that set Mike off, who was absolutely pissing himself, Jordan and Tay weren't far behind.

"Did not" Rob sounded like a little child.

"Did too" I put on a baby voice.

"Children, children, what matters here is that you've ruined my face" Cameron said. Rob and I burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Cameron stated and then left, leaving WATIC and Lost In Neverland (once we'd told them what had happened and showed them the picture) in hysterical laughter.

Cameron returned with a clean face, but we couldn't stop laughing.

It was the most funniest flight ever.

Oh look, you lucky things! You get three chapters in one day! You must feel special.

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