Chapter 27: Lost In Neverland

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Chapter 27: Lost In Neverland

Cameron left early this morning, he got a text from Jordan saying that he needed to go over some guitar riffs with him. I didn't mind, I got to spend last night in his arms, so I really didn't care if he left. I was a very happy Macy right now.

Currently I am in Dylan and Toby's room with Drew (with Dylan and Toby, of course). We're still trying to decide on a band name.

"Ghosts of the future" Drew suggested.

"No" we all groaned.

"Destiny waits"


"Come on guys, we really need to think of a band name" Dylan said and the rest of us nodded. He was right, we hoped to get signed soon and you can't get signed if you don't have a band name.

"How about we suck" Toby sighed. Everyone moaned again.

I was I a day dream. I was dreaming about Peter Pan and Neverland. Peter decided to leave Dylan, Toby, Drew and I in the middle of nowhere. We were Lost In Neverland. That's it. That's the band name!

"How about Lost In Neverland" I suggested. They all turned to looks at me.

"Macy" Dylan said.


"WE LOVE YOU!" they all piled on top of me in a hugging gesture but completely failed.

"Guys.... can't...... breathe,...... lungs... giving..... out" I gasped. They got off me and the air rushed to my lungs.

"We are Lost In Neverland" we all cheered.

"We should go down to the band room and video record some covers to put on YouTube" Toby announced. We all nodded.

We walked down to the band room with Dylan's video camera and tripod. We set it up so everyone was in shot and put it on timer.

"In three, two, one, go" Dylan announced. Everyone started playing the intro to Sugar we're going down.

After we finished a few covers, we ran back up to my room to put them on my MacBook. We set up a YouTube channel called Lost In Neverland and then we opened a twitter account called @lostinneverlandband. We uploaded the covers to YouTube and then tweeted them. I went on my individual twitter account and tweeted the videos. I had loads of followers due to the We Are The In Crowd gigs and stuff.

 @MacyRoux @lostinneverlandband they are awesome covers! Cameron tweeted.

@cameronhurley Thank you! I tweeted back.

I suddenly started getting loads of tweets.

@MacyRoux @lostinneverlandband you guys are awesome, you need to get signed

@MacyRoux @lostinneverlandband hope you get signed

Holy shit, people were actually watching it.

Someone tweeted: Hey twitter world, go and follow this awesome new band @lostinneverlandband and check out their youtube channel Lost In Neverland. It had 103 retweets. This is crazy!

"Guys, we're all over twitter" I said. My band mates ran up behind me and looked at the computer screen.

"This is mental" Dylan ran a hand through his hair.

"Macy, go on YouTube and see how many views we have" Toby instructed.


"No fucking way" Drew sighed.

Comments were mental.

You guys need to get signed!

You are gonna be big. I know it!

Dear all record companies, please fight over this band because they are amazing yours sincerely, neverlanders

"So our fans are calling themselves neverlanders? interesting" Dylan stroked his invisible beard.

"I like it" I said.

"They're trending" Drew pointed out. He was right. There it was #neverlanders was trending worldwide on twitter. Fucking hell. My phone started ringing. It was my mum.

"Hey mum"

"Hey sweetie, we just want to say how proud we are of you" my mum said.

"What do you mean?"

"We saw your covers on YouTube with your new band Lost In Neverland." I put my phone on speaker so everyone could hear.


"Honey, you've gone global in less than an hour" I looked at my band mates with wide eyes, they all mirrored my reaction.

"Holy shit" I mumbled.

"Anyway, we've got to go, speak to you soon. Keep posting videos, they love you all" with that my mum hung up.

"Oh my god" I gasped. YouTube. 10,000 views. Holy mother of god.

"What are you guys doing over the weekend?" I asked.

"Not much probably going to hang here you?" Toby replied.

"I'm going to Poughkeepsie, to stay with Cameron for the weekend"

"Awesome" they cooed.

"We should start writing our own songs next week" Dylan suggested.

"Yeah we should" Toby agreed.

We sat there for the rest of the day (we did go to classes) and watched YouTube views go up and twitter go crazy.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now