Submission 1097

379 17 12

I'm in school right now, so it's hard to write without anyone knowing.

I don't exactly know where to start..

I've been bullied since I was six years old. It started in first grade, and it still goes on today. I'm in ninth grade.

That's a long time.

It's hard to described anything without feeling the pain from everything. I was tripped, shoved. You name it, it happened. People didn't even want to write my name on their papers in group projects, because it was so bad. From fourth through sixth grade, the physical bullying had stopped, but people talked about me behind my back, and still do today. In seventh grade, someone began to call me mental, autistic and such things. I began to cut, because I felt like the bullying was my fault. I've tried to hang myself three times. I just feel so useless. I need help. My own family has made fun of me before, and my mom thinks that I was just cutting out of nonsense. She pays more attention to my older sister than me. How would she know?

I hate my life, and I wish I was dead. Why do I have to go through this every day? I'm tired of the bullying, and I'm tired of being a social outcast.

The same boy that called me mental still talks about me behind my back, and it hurts. 

QUESTION: What do you do when someone just won't stop, and you're ready to give out?

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