Submission 1134

133 10 1

What type of bullying did you experience?

I experience name calling,teasing and some sexual jokes.

How old were you when the bullying started?

I was around seven years old.

What would bullies say or do to you?

In lower school the bullying started with name calling and teasing about my last name etc but it eventually got more serious to someone trying to throw worms over my head,someone throwing paint over me on purpose and laughing and physical punches,kicks.

In middle school my first year I

In middle school my first year I was bullied by a group of popular girls who teased me and whispered about me behind my back.the bullying stopped but came back when I started to have a crush on one of the popular boys in my last year of middle school,he teased me even when I had stopped liking day I was sitting with my friend for lunch he came up behind me whispering in my ear "I know I'm sexy but I'm too fit for you" some girls on the same table had asked what he had said and I had answered earning laughs from them my friend ignoring day with another boy I was sitting in class hearing some popular kids saying my name behind me,I ignored them facing forwards when suddenly one of them the same boy who bullied me in lover school came behind me and put his hand on my bum making them all laugh.

I was embarrassed and felt fat ugly and unwanted.

How did you feel when you were being bullied?

My throat felt dry like I couldn't think of anything to say and I would feel fat ugly and worthless one day when the bullying got so bad I walked away tears in my way saying to myself I hated my self and that I wanted to die I had to go to a the school guidance person for meetings for several weeks after until my parents deemed me okay,sometimes I would come home crying wishing I could hurt myself but I never did because I was scared.

Have you told anyone you were being bullied?

I told my parents and three teachers including the guidance person and one day I broke down after being teased infront of three of my friends.

How long were you bullied for?

I was bullied for seven years from 7 to 14.

Are you still being bullied now?

I recently moved schools and an now in a high school meaning I left behind most of the bullies but if I was still at my old school I most likely would still be getting bullied,but now I get nothing most of the time just the awkward whispering like any other person gets.

Why did you chose to tell about your story?

The bullying in my life has hurt me in so many ways I still cry sometimes my mind repeating the words they would call me over and over 'fatsy' 'ugly' etc

I'm very self conscious of how I look now because of the scars they imprinted into my mind I started to believe in the things that so many of them said I became my own bully for some time,so the reason I'm telling my story I guess is because I don't want other girls to have to go through the pain and hate for myself I went through.the bullying hurt me but now I'm stronger than I ever was if I'm hit with something I can fight back or forget about it instead of worrying or thinking about it.

And that's my bullying story.

ADVICE: Bully's can hurt you but never let yourself become your own bully as well that's when the most damage is made.

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