Submission 1140

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I'm that type of girl who wears a hoodie, fabric gloves, sweat pants or baggy pants, and sneakers.

I guess you can say I'm a tomboy. The thing is that it's just a stupid label we go by. GATE (gifted and talented education), nerd, bookworm, and gamer are the labels I call my self.

That's not what most kids used to call me though. Stupid, looser, spider, and many other things are what they called me. I was mentally, physically, and verbally bullied.

From first to fifth grade I was bullied. It was for a stupid reason to. It was because I was friends with a few boys.

There's nothing wrong with being friends with boys. We basically just play video games, comic books, school, how much we hate school, and all that stuff. Mostly 'boy stuff' since I practically act like one.

I remember being pushed to the blacktop so hard that my hands and head would bleed. Sometimes I would cry myself to sleep. I still do from the memories that haunt me.

I have trust issues now. It's almost impossible for me to have a meal made by someone else.

It's been a year now since the bullying stopped but the scars are still there. All of them are. I'm still healing. I've got better in socializing. I talk more. Spend more time with people. It gets better.

I used to have suicidal thoughts but I'm glad I didn't end my life there. I made a girl BFF still friends now of course. We chat on social media since we moved away from each other. She helped me through my scars. I told her what goes on at school and she gives me advice and support.

It got better for me it will get better for you.

I still have a long way to go but I'm healing. 

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