Submission 1122

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Yes, I have experienced bullying. But never physical. Just verbal. 

The type of bullying I experienced was teasing and name calling.

I was 11-12 when the bullying started and 13 (age I am now) when it ended.

A group of old friends were the ones bulling me.

They gave me a note that said "R.I.A" on it (Rest In Acne). They called me hunchback and walked with their hands by their feet. One of them (my old best friend) called me the "b" word and many other words.

During the bullying I felt really bad. I felt depressed and sad, not wanted or needed.

After bullying I still feel bad about myself. I have tons of insecurities. But the experience made me stronger.

Nothing really helped me cope with this feeling during the bullying. But once I told my closed friends about how I was feeling they made me feel better about the entire situation.

I have fallen into depression. I'm always scared that something bad will happen. I have also thought about self-harm.

No, I haven't considered suicide. Doing that would be a terrible desision.

Yes I have told my grandma and my friends. I told them because it was making me really sad and I wanted to get it out there before it got worse.

I was bullied for about 1 year and a half. As of right now I am not being bullied but I fear it will happen again soon. 

ADVICE: My advice to you? Don't listen to what they say. None of it is true. All of you a perfect just the way you are. If you can't do that tell someone! And lastly please, don't harm yourselves. That is NEVER the answer.

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