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Where I am today, is nowhere like where I ever was. I guess I've always had to deal with hate. Everything started in the first grade I guess. I just moved into a big town and I was new. It may seem surprising that my experience started so early in life, but it did. My mom always told me to be who I was no matter what. My family was always supportive of my odd ways. I was not like any other kid. I didn't like violence and cars, I like peace and "girly things". I guess I thought that people would like me the way I was. But I was wrong. Occasionally, I wore a pink locket with Sleeping Beauty on it because she was my favorite princess. But many of my peers made fun of me for it and I felt self conscious about wearing it. This is when it all started. I guess I wasn't like every other boy in the school who was same so people labeled me a girl. This went on for a long time, but I was lucky enough to skip it for second grade. First in first grade, then third grade, finally fourth grade. I felt sad and angered about all the things people said about me. I felt as if I needed to change myself. I started to learn that the world that I was living in, wasn't so accepting. In the fourth grade, I started to find myself and I started collecting Monster High dolls with a friend. When I got many dolls for my birthday, news spread about my birthday party and one girl and her group of friends spread the news all around the school. I felt isolated and mortified. I was too frightened to tell my parents, I didn't know who to turn to. But when our school counselor made it easier to make an appointment with her, I saw the chance to stop the bullying. I went to the counselor and they really helped me. But this was not the end of it. I moved again to a small town. People were kinder and I finally became stronger and I became the person I am today. Occasionally, I was labeled a girl because I wasn't afraid of being who I was. But I brushed it off. As I started to find out more about myself, I came out of the closest as bisexual. I wasn't afraid anymore. But, again, it spread like wildfire and it became harder at school. It felt like everyone knew, I felt so exposed. Many called me a sinner and they assumed many things about. But this time, I wasn't going to let this happen again. So I did what you wouldn't expect, I continued to be myself and be open. Throughout my experience, I've learned to be myself no matter what. I've learned to be strong and stand up for myself. My bullies have inspired me to stand up when I had no where to go to. To inspire others, to break down the walls. 

ADVICE: You should never make your bully feel the same way they made you feel. Live life of love and forgiveness! I have learned throughout my experience that you need to forgive people. I have also learned to stand up for yourself at times. Love yourself and be yourself no matter what. The world may forever be full of hate, but you can always triumph above the clouds and fly high above hate.

Go to someone, nothing will stop until you try to stop it.

Be yourself, even if your bully or bullies has causes you to not

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