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Hi. I have experienced bulling since 1st grade. It has stopped a few times and kept going. I am in 5th grade now but here is the story

In first grade I was a child who likes to play on the computer a lot. When I got older I wanted to fix computers. One day Bully1 has the nerve to come to me and say "only Nerds play on the computer you know. Also your a girl you can't work with computers. I'll go on your account on all your nerdy games and ruin everything" I was really upset not only because he will ruin everything I did but how he said it. Friend1 came over and told him to cut it out. He had stopped when I told my mom and the teacher.

A few weeks later, well bully2 came. She had a twin sister, who does not have anything to do with it. One day Bully2 was hanging out with Friend1. It continued at lunch and I couldn't sit next to her or play with her. Then one day I sat next to friend1 and Bully2 starts crying saying "( my name ) your mean I'm telling the teacher, I never sit next to Friend1" I did not get in trouble because my friends were over there and told the teachers what really happened. She stopped.

The next year. Second grade. We had moved. I stepped in and I had made 3 friends that day. A few months later... Another bully. Bully3. One day while going home on the buses she pushes me into a pole. The teacher saw and gave me a tissue that was in her purse. Bully3 snickered and walked on the bus. The bullying wen Tim and every time it happened, I told my mom or the teacher. One day at home the teacher called saying "I had spoken to Bully3's parents and she will not bother you anymore. Finally it stopped.

Ok this part is also in second grade but not for me, but my bad. Friend2. People this year ( 5th grade ) call him stuff like gay and hate him. Today at lunch, people at another table were raising their hands. Bully4 ( my old bff ) calls me and says "Raise your hand" Of course I asked her why and she said "So we see how many people think Friend2 is gay" I felt bad for him. I did not raise my hand and said to that whole group "No hes not, for 4 years you all tourtured him. I don't think he came to this school to be tormented!" I yelled. Friend3 agreed. Friend2 thanked me.

Last but not least. My family. 2015 summer, the summer of tourture. My step-Brothers came to stay for the summer. I did not want them to but they did. They would call me a nerd, a devil, Afro because I have curly hair that is short. They would kick me in the stomach for no reason, almost drown me in the pool, and almost made me fall in concrete steps. I wanted to end my terrible life. I was only 9 and I should not be thinking that. But what my brothers done to me was bad. I told my dad what they have done. He did nothing, he loved my brothers to much. I told my mom what I felt. She had cried knowing I wanted to end it all. She had told my dad to keep my brothers away from me, they still didn't.


^ Wattpad ^

Question: I'm only 10, I was going to run away or something but I love my mom and my sister to much. What would my friends do if anything happened to me? How do I get this bullying to stop? 

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