Submission 1138

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Name calling, physical bulling, things were thrown at me.

It all started in 2nd class

My best friend back then started throwing stones and hard thigs at me when I didn't do what she wanted.

When I came into 5th class,this girl(bully1)was still my best friend, because I couldn't let go of her.

So there was another girl(bully2) and she was mad at me, because bully1 was my best friend and I had good grades, so she started playing games with me.

After a time she was my best friend and we were popular girls at school.

But in 7th class I found out, that they talked behind my back and they bullied a girl in my class.

I told them, that what they did was wrong and they should stop it, but they didn't.

I had another friend(bully3) and we got best friends, I didn't notice, that she was friends with bully1 and bully2.

When I found out, my grades dropped, I started hurting myself and was sucidal.

But now I have found real friends who help me, when the people in my class bully me, even if my grades are still bad and I cut myself.

My family and my friends help me and I wont give up.

ADVICE: Stay strong!

Don't give up it will get better!♡

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