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I was in fifth grade, I was bullied because I was different. I was pushed into walls, doors, lockers, etc. I'd walk into school and people would start to whisper, then the group of bullies would walk over. I'd look down, praying to god they wouldn't see me, but try always did. It got so bad I started having suicidal thoughts. Again and again I tried, but I'd only ever end up in the hospital and getting bullied even more when I got back to school. I had developed anorexia and it was getting bad. I'm still being bullied in my new school, but only every second day or so, but it's worse than before. My parents are trying to help but there isn't much that can be done.

I want everyone reading this who's being bullied to know its okay to cry. Remember, as long as you believe you can, you will make it through this, I promise

Have you ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied?

As I said in my story, I have attempts suicide many times.

How long have you been bullied for?

I've been bullied since third grade but it started getting really bad in fifth grade and still is, I'm now in seventh grade.

ADVICE: Remember it's okay to cry, as long as you believe you can, you'll make it through this, I promise 

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