Submission 1148

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I don't know where to start. I've been bullied for years and not just by the same person.

I think it all started in year 3 when i trapped this really mean girl's hand inbetween two tables. I didn't mean to do it, like i wasn't thinking 'oh that's trap her hand!' I just saw a gap and closed it.

I said sorry a thousand times after i had done it. But she like yelled at me and called horrible names. I felt rubbish about myself.

Then from then onwards she was always mean to me.

In class she would throw things at me, yell at me and one time she punched me in the face.

But at the end of year 3 she left, which to my relief was an absolute miracle.

And i thought the bullyig would stop from then on.

But no. When i came back in year 4 this Sri Lanka kid joined our class. He was nice or so i thought.

He didn't make anything a big deal and as he was the only black kid ( that's fact not racist) in our class, everybody was scared, including him, to do anything.

But during maths one day my teacher was talking when 'the bully' just said "miss i think you should be teachering 'the victim' (me) that as she is too dumb to understand a single f**king thing in the world."

I took that the complete wrong way as i was one of the best in my class at maths, so i yelled at him and pushed him over.

I shouldn't of do that but i did.

After that, he beat me up every break time. In the end i was so scared i would hide or talk to the teachers so he couldn't hurt me.

I remember once he beat me up so badly nearly my whole face was black from all the bruising.

I think my school knew about it, because he was kicked out of the school for bullying.

But i know i shouldn't have reacted the way i did but i've always thought he had everybody else to pick on, why me? It never made sense to me.

But the bullying didn't stop when he left. Another kid 'bully 1' lets say deciced to speak nastily about me.

He called me a b**ch and a ugly faggot. In the end that became my nickname.

Ugly faggot.

Bully 1 would tease me about my friends and my dad.

He would say things like "your dad is right to beat you up (my dad used to and still does today) you deserve to be reminded everyday that you're a piece of sh*t."

And "you have no friends so go die in a whole."

What didn't help was 3 of my best friends were dead because they were bullied so much they couldn't cope.

The other two didn't turn up to school much because they were bullied alot as well.

Bully 1 knew that, so used it to hurt me more.

Year 4 i have to say was the worst year of life. I was bullied horribly, lost 3 best friends and also began drinking a lot of alcohol.

I didn't show up as much when it got towards the end of year. So it wasn't very eventful apart from my alcohol abuse.

Year 5 swung by but not much happened. I got in trouble for drinking almost everyday but i wasn't bullied much.

Year 6 was big. I had a lovely teacher who listened to me. She helped me stop drinking. I really needed her that year. 4 best friends were dead and the last one wasn't a friend anymore. I began having a drug problem which sort of started in year 4 but mainly came in year 5/6.

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