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When I was in 5th grade when it started happening. You could say I 'developed' earlier than most girls. It wasn't a big change but it was enough for the boys to think it was okay to start getting all touchy feely. It started out as boys just poking my butt then running away. They started escalating in 6th and 7th grade though. Some boys would come up behind me and grab my ass really hard and whisper disgusting things in my ear. They were mostly eighth graders wich also freaked me out. People online would call me a slut for letting them do this to me without obliging. I felt so depressed and everytime I would come to school I was scared to walk in the halls. To be really honest I still am. One day this boy just decided to claim me as "his". He would put his arm around me and grab my but. He would try and kiss me but I would put my hand up fast enough to block it. One day I guess he had enough of my blocking and dragged me into a janitor closet thing. I was in to much of a haze to realize where I was. He slammed me up against the wall and tried to take control of me. I fought but he put one knee in the crook of my hip and pinned my hands with one hand. If went to clean or scream he would put his other hand over my mouth and dig his knee deeper into my hip. By the end he had given me a hickey and multiple bruises. I didn't come out of my room for the whole weekend. I was starving myself because I thought I wasn't good enough and I deserved what he did to me. When I finally did come back to school he came up behind me and slid his arms around my waist and whispered dirty things in my ear whilst I could feel him getting erect on my butt. I pushed him off and finally stood up for myself. I yelled at him and everything. That day he sent me messages saying that I should slit my wrists and that I wasn't that cute anyway. I took screenshots and took them to the principle. He got expelled. I still get sexually harrassed today but not as bad and now I report them right away. The moral is that if you have a problem please stand up for yourself. Don't just think you're nothing and do nothing about it. I totally regret it from the scarring it has caused me. So please tell someone as soon as possible it starts.

ADVICE: Don't let yourself be bullied. Please tell someone if you think you might be in danger or just uncomfortable with the situation all together. You matter and so does your safety.

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