Submission 1136

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It's Jayd, again. It's getting worse. You know the support beams that come along with bridges. Well I was finally building those back up. But then, my friends left and started calling me an emo. Those support beams were whacked away. All I can think when I look in the mirror is "Ew! Go die already! No one cares about you!"

On the internet I'm mean to people because people are mean to me.

I am the bully because of bullies.

My insicurties...

Stay Low they say

Stay Low...




Suicidal thoughts

My mother doesn't care. My sister hates me. She tried to suffocate my in front of my own dad! And guess what...

He didn't care either...

I lost my bond with my mom.

My three cutting scars are still enough to tell I don't wanna live.

But no one helps.

QUESTION: What do I do?

ADVICE: Don't let it get to you.

It'll tear you apart.

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