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Hi! Yes,been here before. I have quit wattpad and no longer am online there. But I do have memories of it. Including this......

After my mild bullying from a boy he had stopped. I no longer was his toy. Instead over the summer before 7th grade started for me two girls who I knew to be very sweet had turned evil. One girl (Let's call her Bully1) had sent me over text that her best friend (Later she will be known as BB) was being rude making fun of a medical problem we all knew Bully1 had. I thought she was telling the truth trying to be helpful. She asked me to tell her bad things BB has done to me, and she would tell me more. I told her some things trusting her to keep the secret. It was just a few flaws of BB. Bully1 showed B what I had said not telling me "more" about the set up story. She told me that B had found out about what I said and was in tears of course. I began to cry afraid of the future and not wanting her to find out. Then Bully1 blames it ALL on me making me feel like trash, AGAIN! I said I'm sorry as many times as it is even possible. She wouldn't stop, no matter what I said.

When school started it was still going on. B began to ignore me and interupt me with an "Okay" or something like that whenever I spoke, along with rolling her eyes. I asked her to stop. She agreed and stopped ONLY FOR 2 WEEKS!! Bully1 began to threat me saying my life was going to be Hell if I laid a finger on B. She pointed out more flaws about me than I did about B.She brought up that I apparently was SOOO mean to B. Making everything sound worse than it actually was. I said I was sorry agian and again. She began to say that I had a perfect life and was making B's life harder! (B had bad parents who didn't really care for her and cursed at her all the time) I told her that wasn't true and she would't believe me. She goes and complains to a girl who was equally mine, B's, and Bully1 friend. Out of anger I tell Bully1 that she has a perfect life. Friend gets upset to (I'm sure Bully1 added some fake things that I said) Friend gets mad agreeing about my "perfect life" I finally told her my bullying story from before and how it almost killed me. I told her about how I'm too skinny and a bunch of other things. She let me go, basically. Bully1 apologized and the chat ended that night (All over text)

Next day seems pretty normal with me apologizing to B again even though I know it's not going to wipe her brain. I thought it had ended, 'till I got home and Bully1 wasn't done, She did this for weeks, every night having something to say! Along with B and Bully1 making up things that I did and said that weren't true. It finally somewhat ended. Friend, Bully1, and B told Bully1's mother after they had a big fight trying to fix this. But everyone just thinks the fight was Bully1, B, and Friend. With me not involved. It seemed to be gone for half a month, I guess, even though B stills ignores me.B also wants the drama to never end. Every week making up things, then whining to her friends about it. Apparently since I talked to her friend I am now taking her friends away. (I'm not) Luckily this time she whined this to MyBFF. (She is closer than Friend) MyBFF doesn't believe I did that and finally have her on my side. I still feel horrible with B and Bully1 who thinks they still haven't gotten me enough, Even though Bully1 threanted me twice making me afraid of her. She also said a lot over text that I will not mention calling me a B**** and other things that make me feel horrible.

Yes, I know I did bully B once, but when was revenge the correct thing to do? Also why do they thirst for drama? Most of all-....Why would they pick me? Why the close to depressed girl who almost back to the top just like how it was before middle school? No, you had to pick me-...Pull me back down lower then you two were. They know I don't have a best friend like they do-....They know I wish for one and cry about it sometimes.......

One more question-....

Why me?

ADVICE: Think about what you are about to do-...before you do it. Think of the posibilties that could happen. Could this hurt someone else? Don't be like me. Don't tell something like that over text-....

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