Submission 1173

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I experienced teasing in elementary school. I was bullied by a group of about five boys. They would all back away from me and call me ''ugly'' and ''cootie girl.'' I felt like there was something wrong with me and I started feeling really insecure. Then, I moved schools and was teased every day for my weight. I remember being lone in the playground and crying my tears out. Things definitely got better when I went back to my old school. I made tons friends , but I made a mistake of abandoning my best friend and replacing her with the three worst friends I ever had. They stole my things, laughed at me, and spread rumors about me. Luckily, I made friends with this new girl and she became my best friend. Then, she abandoned me in middle school for a more popular girl. I had no one. I was friendless. I started having thoughts of insecurity again and left the school. Then, high school came around. I tried so hard to fit in so that I wouldn't get bullied. I made friends with people I didn't like, I changed my wardrobe, and I became a bitchy teenager to my family. Then, I met my best friend. She helped me with my confidence when I was taking it too far to where I was at the point of self- harm. I would tell myself I was ugly and worthless and I started insulting myself. I hated what I saw in the mirror and I wanted to change so badly. Although, I learned from my best friend that I had to be myself. So, in the 11th grade, I became fully confident with myself.

My online friend is getting bullied really badly and feels like she has no hope as she has no real life friends and has to switch a lot of schools.

ADVICE: Stay strong and just know that things will get better.

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