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1) Mostly cyber-bullying and name calling

2) I was 12 when it started to get out of hand but I've been pretty much bullied all my life for being "weird" and "fat."

3) In school it was usually a group of classmates but once I hit 12 and had some social media sites it just became random strangers.

4) Usually the bullies just called me weird, fat, ugly, and some other chosen colorful words and in the beginning I brushed them off but eventually they really got to me. And a few times I got threatened and shoved into walls a few times but nothing extremely bad.

5) I usually felt very worthless and I would put myself down a lot.

6) Usually I felt like I didn't matter like if I disappeared nobody would even noticed.

7) The only thing that really helped was music. I just threw on a loud song with lots of yelling and it would cause me to become numb.

8) For a while I did start self harming and I ended up falling into depression because I just stopped caring. I hated myself so much because of what these other people said to me.

9) I have thought about suicide because a lot of people were telling me that if I died nobody would even notice and if they did they would be happy about it. Or they would say that the world would be a better place without me and for a while I thought they were right.

10) I only really told my best friend.

11) I only told her but she told me to get over myself and told me to stop being dramatic because some people have it worse then I do. So I never told anyone else.

12) I was bullied for about really bullied for only 2 years.

13) Sometimes people will make comments but I know not that what they say are lies and I shouldn't believe them.

ADVICE: No matter how bad things may seem, things always get better. At the time it doesn't seem like it but you should never give up hope because you never know if things will get better until you tough it out and see how things work out

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