Submission 1099

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Teasing and name calling. I felt bad and I wanted to be like everyone else. I felt bad for the bullies because we were raised to dislike difference. I have not self-harmed but I have thought about it. I haven't told anyone. I don't think my "bullying" was as bad as others. I was bullied from 6-12. No but people still make fun of me.

My last name is really weird and people made fun of me because of it. I am also adopted and come from a different ethnicity. Everyone in my class was "normal" and I was always the "different" one so I was always the one teased for it. I also remember one time when I was 11 this boy asked "why were you adopted? Did your real parents not love you?" I cried that day. I always felt no one understood me because I was adopted and looked different, even my friends couldn't. I also get sad when people ask me if I would have likes to see my "real" parents and I answer no. It doesn't matter if they're my real parents! I hate when in movies or books there is this kid who gets picked up by a couple who wanted kids but couldn't have any and then they tell them they're not their "real" parents and they want to go in search of their birth parents. These people cared for you you're whole life and you want to leave them!? Geez. Sorry for that, I know it doesn't really have to do with bullying but I think is is important to let people know they shouldn't want to be "normal" because of others.

QUESTION: How can I help others that are being bullied? How can I tell if someone is being bullied if they don't say it?

ADVICE: If you're bullied don't let them get to you. Think that being different is not a bad thing. If you made a mistake in the past and get bullied for it remember that everyone makes mistakes and it was not your fault. Don't let someone's words get to you. You are beautiful. You are perfect as you are. Don't change because of them. 

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