Submission 1103

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Hello, I'm Jayd. I spell it Jade on wattpad but my REAL Name is Jayd. My bullying started when I was in 1st grade (I think). My mom and dad would fight a LOT! I didn't know this at the time but my dad was a drug addict. Anyways! In school, I had two best friends, lets call them...Friend1 and Friend2. Now, all the sudden a girl came, lets call her...Bully1. She stole my friends. She'd hurt me on the playground and tease me. I hated it.

My second bullying story

My dad went to jail for a while, now he's back. I'm scared, VERY! I don't trust him. I'm scared he's doing drugs again. Him and my mom have been fighting again. Anyways, in school a girl...lets call HER...Bully2, was calling me fat, ugly, stupid. I don't do well in math or really, any thing. So she kinda made me feel bad. I have considered suicide and I do self harm, I punch myself, bite myself, and scratch myself. I want help but I don't know where to get it. Help.

QUESTION: How do I make it stop?

How do I trust my parents?

How do I get my friends back?

How do I feel happy?

ADVICE: Don't let bullies get to you, or else you'll end up a worthless depressed piece of trash like me. Stay strong and don't give up, because while it may seem like you are alone right now and no one loves you, I love you, and I'm sure many others do. If you need to talk, dm me at Jade_the_story_maker or even share your story in THIS book <3.

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