Submission 1060

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What Type Of Bullying Did You Experience?

In the past, quite a lot. From being cyber bullied to being actually physically beaten up, a lot of things happened that I don't want to remember. The main forms were cyber, physical and verbal, as well as a sexual assault (which I guess is bullying?) but of course, these weren't all by the same people. I just seemed to attract bullies.

How Old Were You When The Bullying Started?

Ever since I started school. Of course, the bullying wasn't severe as a child, but it esculated from there.

Who Bullied You?

Fellow classmates. My supposed friends. My family. Family friends. Everyone.

How Did You Feel While You Were Being Bullied?

I felt worthless. Meaningless. Bullying is something that drags you down, and makes you think you're less than you actually are.

How Did You Feel After Being Bullied?

I feel like I've overcome something. Whilst I still get bullied at home (abuse from my father), I'm now at a new school and I have friends that love me for who I am. A year ago, I tried to kill myself. Now, I feel happy. A year ago had you told me I'd have loving friends and a boyfriend who adores me, I'd have told you that you're crazy. But now, I'm just happy that I waited it out and got to a better life.

Have You Told Anyone You Know That You Were Bullied?

Not during the bullying, no. But as of the start of 2016, I moved to a new city and new school, and the bullying stopped. I've told my new friends about the bullying, and my dad knows about part of it, but I think at the time I had convinced myself that if I ignored it, that it'd all go away.

Are You Still Being Bullied?

At home, yes. But now I can go to school without being scared that someone's gonna beat me up, and I can walk home without fear of being attacked.

Hey. If you've read the first "Bullied" book, you might know me. I'm story 25, AKA @I_Wanna_Be_Gone on Wattpad (sorry, I don't have a Tumblr anymore)

I'm almost 15. When I submitted an entry to this book the first time, I was only 13. And so much has changed since then.

Things got worse. But then they got better.

Without going into details too much, I was sexually assaulted when I was 8. This event left me with PTSD and issues with trusting people.

I've always been slightly different. At my old school, I was bullied for that. At my new school, I've found people who accept me for that.

I wrote my previous entry sometime between February and July 2015. It is now September 2016. In September 2015 last year, I attempted suicide due to the severity of the bullying I received. I couldn't escape it. They'd come to my house because they knew my dad would be at work. They'd message me every possible way online. They'd make new accounts to torment me, just because I'd blocked all their other ones. They'd beat me up at school.

In January 2016, we moved five hours away and I started at a new school. Of course, not everything was okay from the start. I was new. I didn't have any friends. I still self harmed at that point, but I was recovering.

But I made friends. Friends who understood. Friends that accepted me for me. Whilst I'm still medically diagnosed with depression, I'm a happy person. I take medication which helps me deal with my thoughts, and I'm recovering and getting better.

I wrote this to tell you that it does get better. That you are more than what you think you are. I thought I was nothing. I thought no one would miss me if I died. But now I know that people do care. People care about me. And people care about you.

It gets better. It won't take a day. It might not take a month. Heck, if you're like me, it might take years. I was diagnosed with depression at 11, and I've only just achieved happiness.

Bullying is not something you can overcome in one night, just like depression. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know? Things take time.

I'm always here to help. My social media accounts are in my Wattpad bio, and I hope you feel free to message me through one of those, or to DM my Wattpad account.

Because it's okay to ask for help. You are important. You are amazing. You are strong.

From someone who understands,


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