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Hello! Soo.....this isn't my story. It is my friends story!

After hearing terrible news that my best friend was switching school I become sad and try my best too hang out with her while I could during school hours. She tells me that boy (I will name Evil in this story!) was being mean. He jumped up and down excited when he found out Friend1 was moving schools. I already got kinda mad at him.

Days after days I would see him be mean to her. He never physically did things too her. But she called Friend1 a horrible arritist. I've seen Friend1s drawings! THEY ARE AMAZING! I can't wait to see her progress when she is an adult! Once at an art compitition during lunch Evil was being really rude. (Friend1 told me this story!) Friend1 was going to sit at the same table of her group of course! But instead was stopped by Evil. "You can't sit here! This is the winner table! Go sit with the losers!" He said to her.

That alone made me super mad at him. Evil has been known to be kinda mean but usually wasn't like that.

One day during lunch Friend2 told me that Evil stabbed a penicil IN HER EYE! I didn't notice 'till she told me this but her eyes was kinda red. Apparently Evil was being mean to her too! This is starting to aggravate me. Friend2 is going through enough! She is suicidal, depressed, and for many reasons. She fakes sickness all the time and will tell me the reasons why when she gets back or the day before. I will not name those because they are personal to her. I'm the one her secrets gets told too. Another girl gets too know the secrets too....but that's another story! 

QUESTION: Should I tell someone? Both of my friends want me too keep this as a secret! But...I don't know...

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