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I have always thought of Elementary School as my painful years. But my mind and soul lied to me. Middle School is apparently. Or at least for me and my friend.

In the 6th grade, we are about at the end of the 1st Semster. This new girl had recently moved into School, let's call her Bully. Bully interrupted peace to the Middle School, and brought fights, beat up faces, arguments, etc. My Friend and I just shrugged it off. It wasn't like she was going to bother us anyways. Again, we were wrong.

The end of the School Year was coming up fast. Today was our class feild trip. My friend couldn't go because he was failing. Then, when I sat at my bench, I didn't realize I sat next to Bully. Oh boy.

Apparently, Bully was arguing with a group of boys, and I interrupted them. On purpose. Here was Bully and I's argument conversation:

Bully: Who are you? Do you even know who your messing with?

Me: Yes, you are *Says name*, the crap loaded girl with only one zit-filled friend named *Says her 'friend''s name*.

Bully: Shut. Up.

Me: No.

Lucky for me, the Bully had to leave to go to bed assigned but for the field trip. The boys just starred at me in shock. How did I do that? I don't know. I thought I defeated Bully. I was wrong. AGAIN.

On the following Monday, was Finals. I was talking to my friend and telling him about the feild trip and how I 'defeated' Bully. At that minute, Bully comes up to my friend and argues with him:

Bully: Ah, your the one who I embarrassed in Social Studies class.

Now, my friend told me during our conversation that Bully, she, was the one that embarrassed him during class. It was about that he liked someone else besides me, but he really didn't. Anyways, they kept arguing.

My Friend: Stay away, Bully.

Bully: Never.

The next thing she does, she shoves my friend into the door. He trips and I have to help him up to his 1st Class. I glare at Bully as she just smirks at us and walks away.

Thankfully, the next last two days of school we're a lot better.

Bully didn't pass any of her 7 finals. I found that out from my mom because she works at the school. Next, I don't have finals on the last day of school and nor did my friend. Basically we got to hangout. Last thing, he confessed that he loved me, and now we're boyfriend and girlfriend.

ADVICE: The End is always better than the Begining on Bullying. The results may not be the same as before Bullying, but at least people aren't Bullying you anymore.  

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