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I was in the 6th grade when things started to happen. 6th grade was mostly comments on my weight but not much else. This year hurt the most because it was my first year of middle school and all of my friends left to make new friends so I had only had about two friends. Both who I had known for a long time. But then one day one of them came up to me and told me what the other had been saying. She told her that, "I wasn't really their friend I was just someone that followed them around. That hurt me. 

But the 7th was when most of it started. I was continued to be called fat and made fun of about how one time I fell down the stairs at my house and got a concussion. But their was these two girls that just didn't like me because I didn't do what they wanted me to do. They multiple times would call me a b*tch and would just bark at me. I tried to tell my family but their was just nothing I could do. But they finally graduated so it doesn't happen anymore. 

There isn't that much happening this year except the typical mean and popular girls and people bothering me in class. Except for one girl, she's two years younger than me but I can't retaliate because her moms are really over protective and we're both in Girl Scouts together so if she says things quitely enough she won't get into trouble about it. So anyways she will just shut me down when I ask questions and when I ask about something one of my friends said, "Oh you wouldn't know." But then the younger one would say, "it not that you wouldn't understand we just don't like you or want to tell you." 

 And all of us just sat in silence and no one said anything just sat there except for the two who just continued to laugh. 

This is still going on now and it will probably stop when I graduate from my middle school this year. 

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