Submission 1117

157 11 8

Ok, so I was bullied for a VEERRY Long time. It started from kindergarten and is still going on. I'm now 12 years old. So I have a family which I kind of came out to. They were angry with me. We were Catholics but I felt like people just need who they need to be and just have fun with their lives. Then my school is ALWAYS talking about my flaws. I try to follow what the Teachers say, like ignore them, or tell a teacher about it but it doesn't work. I'm usually judged about anime as no one in my class likes anime at least 0%. And I'm overweight, so you can Guess what happened. But it still goes on till this day. I don't even want to be with my family. They keep saying I'm too sensitive and that I should change myself. I don't want to do that. I want to just be myself. And they make me do stuff everyday. That's my story. I know it was boring, but I'm a 12 year old boy that has depression. So yeah. That's my story.

QUESTION: What can I actually do that works to keep them away from me? I keep trying to change myself and lose weight, but it never works. Please help.

ADVICE: I want to say that I hope at least a small speck of society will understand what I'm going through, and they should know they're not alone in the black void in your head.

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