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I can't exactly remember when my bullying started when I was young...all I know is that it practically started with my fifth grade teacher, she would always call me names from "crybaby" to "little brat" and her 'pets' would repeat those words over and over to me again multiple times...

The insults varied from a small mole on my upper lip to people calling me a lesbian because I was holding hands with my best friend.

Eventually, I went to a different middle school and met totally different people. Maybe once or twice it would happen but, people at my middle school would make the same comments about me from the kids at my elementary school...

From about sixth grade to eight grade I practically stopped eating and would call myself horrible names when I looked into the mirror, I even self harmed multiple's not something I'm proud of but, I can't go back and change my actions.

I eventually went back to my old self and became better but, still have depressing thoughts...I do still struggle with low self esteem and insecurity in my body.

The point of my story is not to make anyone want to pity me, I wanted to show to you all out there dealing with the same things that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel and things WILL get better for you...

I hope you have a good day and stay safe. Xoxoxo :)

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