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My whole life Ive been kind of different, but it was fine because I had freinds who thought I was cool because of that.

In first grade the bullying started, it was just some name calling I was fine with that. I had a friend we'll call her Friend1 and she helped me mostly. But I started hanging out with others and she made me feel really bad about it...

It got worse and eventually in second grade I started getting kicked and shoved.

The middle of third grade I moved.

I tried starting over but it got worse, the new kids pulled embarassing pranks on me. Constantly putting me down and calling me names

In fourth grade I went to a different school. There was a group of boys who were not nice at all. I started coming home with bruises because they hit me alot... I was so fed up one night. My one friend that I was really close with was in the hospital and the other one was mad at me.

That day was the first time someone told me to kill myself.

So I tried to... I survived though. It got better for awhile then in fifth grade it got worse.

The boys singled me out constantly and crushed any hope that I would be happy.

In sixth grade I finally had hope, there were new friends and old bullies. But in December my friend that was in the hospital passed away, the boys started rumors that I killed her.

One day these boys chased me into the woods after school and did some very scarring things Id rather not talk about...

I started shutting myself in, cutting more and crying more. But then seventh grade rolled around.

Two of the boys got expelled while one of them is getting sent away to military school.

My friends helped me recover so did my parents.

Now Im getting better and looking on the bright side more, one thing I regret is trying to give up.

I used to think that it never would get better but trust me, it does.

Just give it a year or two please.

While what those boys and other bullies did hurt me forever, cuts heal into scars which fade eventually.

So please hold on tight and build yourself up, because when others tear you down they really want to tear themselves down not you...

Thanks for reading 😊

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