Just some facts about me

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So... DjMidnight tagged me in this challenge... Don't know the name of it but I have to write 13 facts about myself. So, here we go:

1. I am 13 years old and I'm going to 14 July 7th.

2. I have the same birthday as one of my husbands, KIBA!!

3. My birthday is a holiday I think in japan... I forgot what it's called but you tie wishes to bamboo and stuff like that. Pretty sure you have seen that in at least one anime

4. You can tell by the all the anime I have watched is that I have a lot of free time and no social life.

5. My first anime husband is Levi Anckerman

 My first anime husband is Levi Anckerman

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God I love him~ Heichou~

6. If I were to have a husband from Naruto, it would be Gaara.

7. I would never fantasize about Sasuke or Itachi, or anybody who is an Uchiha. I don't know... I guess Uchihas are just a turn off for me for some unknown reason. It's weird because I love guys like Gaara~ And Levi Heichou~ *swooning*

8. I draw anime, but I'm horrible at it XD gotta keep practicing though.

9. I live in Kansas.... IT'S BORING HERE HELP ME!! Just like me in real life.

10. I have a older brother, and we hate each other with a passion.

11. I almost died when I was a baby, because MY BROTHER IS MURDEROUS GUYS!! When my brother was like 1 and I was barely 1, my brother climbed into my crib and started choking the life out of me. HE WAS ONLY 1 I NEVER KNEW KIDS AT THAT AGE COULD BE SO EVIL!! Anyways, my Dad saved me and it was all good. My brother needs some serious counseling.

12. Another near death story when I was a baby, YAY!! When I was fresh out of the womb, I would NOT eat anything for almost three days. The doctors didn't know what to do, I guess they fed me through a tube or something, I don't know. They ran a blood test by putting a needle through the heel of my foot, and somehow figured out what was wrong with me. Apparently, I WAS A PICKY LITTLE BRAT THAT NEEDED THE MILK TO BE PREPARED IN A SPECIFIC WAY!! They were feeding me cold milk, and I wasn't having it. I wanted to have it be prepared warm, otherwise I'LL STARVE MYSELF TO DEATH!! What is up with me and near death situations as a baby? I'm glad I even made it to elementary school guys.

13. I am half Chinese, but I look like a pasty white girl lol.

ALRIGHT I'M FINALLY FINISHED!! Now I have to nominate 15 people *Evil smirk*
















Aaaaaand that's it. I just chose some random people, I don't expect you to do this challenge :). But if you do, let me know :D! Or if you didn't get tagged by me and just want to do anyways, you can still let me know and I'll read it!

Here are the rules:

Here are the rules:

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Now that I got this out of the way, I got something to say for you guys.

Thank you guys so much for 300 votes on this story, it's still so amazing. I don't know what to say... to think there are still people reading this story. It's not rare for someone to just quit, yet you're still here. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. You guys are precious to me, and I hope one day I can meet you all. But, that's just a dream, I don't expect it to happen ahaha. But seriously, it means a lot that there are still people reading. I can't express my happiness through words, I really want to show you guys in person and not though a computer screen or phone. But I'm just barely 14, no way it can happen soon.

Anyways, that's all I have to say.



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