Chapter 37

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Sirius's POV

I follow the Marauder's into the potions room and sit down next to Peter. A week ago, Slughorn thought it would be good to give us assigned seats in this class to make it quieter. He only made it more hilarious though because Lily and James were now paired together.

I lean forward and lay my head down on the table.

"You seem a little tired there mate," James turns around and teases.

"Shut it," I groan and close my eyes hoping to get a small nap in before class starts.

I lift my head up from the potions table when I hear a jolly voice yell out, "Good morning class!"

Peter and I groan before joining in the class by saying, "Good morning Professor Slughorn!"

"Now today we are going to be brewing a difficult potion. Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?"

Both Mackenzie and Remus' hands shoot into the air.

"Yes!" Slughorn shouts pointing at the pair.

They both look at each other confused, of course those two wouldn't know who was called on.

"It's a love potion," they blurt out at the same time. "It smells like what or whom you love."

"Excellent! 20 points to Gryffindor, 10 each," he says with a grin. Those two are his absolute favorites. "Now class you will be brewing amortentia today, the instructions are on page 427."

There is a ruffle of pages as everyone starts to open their books. I grab my book and start to open it when Slughorn interrupts us.

"Wait class! I need to let you know your homework assignment!"

"Seriously! Why do we need homework!?" I protest to the Marauders. "This is absolutely absurd."

"Now this homework is easy. All I want is 6 inches of parchment explaining what you smell and why you smell it. That's all, now start brewing you have the rest of Double Potions to finish it."

"Oh this isn't bad at all," Mackenzie says softly.

"I agree," Remus says to her. "Let's get started so we can finish both the potion and the assignment."

"Okay!" Mackenzie agrees cheerfully.


The class passes by slowly with no major accidents occurring, unfortunately. Peter and I are almost done when I hear the pair next to us speak.

"I think we're done."

Peter and I groan. Of course, Mackenzie and Remus finish first. I turn just in time to see them lean towards the cauldron to smell it.

"Mhmm, chocolate," they say with wide eyes and wild grins.

"Why do you say chocolate? It doesn't smell like chocolate," I ask curiously after smelling their cauldron.

"Don't be silly, it smells like chocolate, books, and..." She trails off, her eyes looking puzzled at what the last scent must be. "Remus, what do you smell?"

Remus gulps, "I smell parchment, chocolate and vanilla perfume, I think." Luckily Mackenzie's attention gets pulled down to her piece of parchment so I can poke Remus. I know that Mackenzie wears vanilla perfume and Remus definitely knows that too. I gesture towards Mack and shape my hands into a heart.

He flips me off.

"Mackenzie," I whine, glaring at Remus.

She looks up and gives me a look. "What do you need Sirius?"

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