Chapter 40

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Remus' POV

"Remus stop pacing around the room. You are making me dizzy," Sirius groans from where he is laying on the couch.

"Shut up Sirius, you are only dizzy because you are looking at me upside down," I snap.

"Remus, what is freaking you out now?" Lily says softly while glaring at Sirius. Sirius zips his mouth shuts and sits up on the couch so Lily will stop glaring at him.

I throw my hands up into the air, "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that Mackenzie is missing and who knows if anyone knows where she is. What if she is alone and hurt somewhere? And that she probably hates me because I was the one that attacked her all those times and I feel awful that I did that to her. All of her nightmares that she has is all my fault and I can't stand myself for what I did to her. Oh and how about the big one of SHE'S MY SOULMATE!" I yell, slamming my hands against the fireplace.

I turn around and see everyone leaning away and looking at me nervously.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Don't be silly Remus, we understand why you feel overwhelmed," Lily says softly.

"No you don't Lily, you have no idea how all this feels," I sneer back.

James stands up and moves in front of Lily protectively. "Remus back down. She means that we know how being overwhelmed feels, not that we know exactly what is causing the overwhelming feels like."

Lily reaches up and places her hand on James' shoulder and he sits down on the ground right in front of where she is sitting on the couch. He continues to glare at me and sits in a pose someone would call possessive or intimidating. She softly rubs James' shoulder until he calms down and relaxes against the couch. She pulls her hands away and tucks them into her lap.

"He's right though James. It's not like myself or anyone else here has ever found out anything as shocking as having a soulmate or who their soulmate is. Who knows how any of us would react to that news," she whispers looking down at her hands.

James quickly turns around like he wants to say something to her before looking up at me. My face falls, I completely forgot that she found out about James being her soulmate and she isn't reacting as badly as I am. And here's James who has always loved her and is hurting because he doesn't think he can tell her that she is his soulmate.

"It would've been so much easier if we didn't keep secrets from each other," I finally whisper as I lower myself down to the ground.

Sirius checks the room to make sure only us four are in the Common room, "Remus, when would you have told her? Honestly mate, you wouldn't have told her today or tomorrow and you didn't find a good time to tell her in the past either."

"I know, you are right. I don't even remember telling you Lily," I say looking up to her.

James and Sirius tense up and Lily sighs, "I figured it out on my own then when I was going to go confront you these two stopped me and told me to keep it to myself and not tell a soul."

"Of course they did," I mutter glaring at them.

The portrait hole slams open and Professor McGonagall comes speeding into the room.

"Professor!" Lily exclaims. "Have you found Mackenzie?"

She whirls around and looks at us startled. "Mackenzie, yes she's fine."

I jump up, "She is? Where is she?"

She sighs, "Not at Hogwarts anymore. But there is something more important than that. Potter, we just received an owl saying your parents are at St. Mungo's."

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