Chapter 22

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James POV

It's Monday morning and the whole gang is back together and walking towards Potions. Lily is walking ahead of me talking to Marlene. Remus and Mack are talking but standing next to me. Sirius has disappeared to get ready for the plan and Peter is who knows where.

"Remus, where is Peter?"

"He went to go help Sirius, remember?" Remus says softly.

"Right," I mutter. I notice a lull in Lily and Marlene's conversation so I yell, "Hey Lilyflower! Wanna go out with me? We can have a date this Saturday." She turns and gives me a look so I wiggle my eyebrows back at her.

As soon as those words leave my mouth I get an elbow to my stomach. I turn and look at Mack who is giving me a fierce glare. "What?" I hiss.

"You won't be able to speak this weekend idiot, or for the next few weekends. The leaf," she whispers to me.

"Shit," I mutter. "Nevermind, Lily." I say just loud enough for her to hear from being 6 feet in front of us. I brush ahead of them all and disappear into potions hallway before I can see Lily's emotions change after my last sentence to her.

Right before I enter the hallway the potions room is in, I'm intercepted by Sirius. "It's a go mate," he mutters as we walk towards the classroom together.

"Perfect. And Peter?" I question.

"Right behind us, he fell into step with Remus and Mackenzie."

"Great, and no one noticed?"

"Not a soul."

"Then let's keep it that way."

We both nod and stay silent the rest of the walk so no one could accidentally overhear us.

Usually the last one of us there has to sit alone so it is a scramble to see who gets there first but today we have it planned out. Remus and Mackenzie are sitting together like usual and I'm sitting next to Sirius. Peter is alone because he offered to mess up his potion and make something happen so then we can go steal the ingredients. We are hoping that the potion today will be able to explode because if not this plan can't happen.

As we enter the room, we fake scrambling around to make it seem like every other day and Sirius even decides to throw in some insults to make it seem usual.

Mack turns around from her seat and mutters, "Sirius, cool it. It's going to become overboard soon."

"Aye, aye captain!" he exclaims with a fake salute.

She groans and rolls her eyes as she faces the front again.

"Good morning class!" Professor Slughorn announces as he enters the room.

"Good morning Professor Slughorn," we reply as cheerfully as we can this morning which isn't very much.

"Today we will be producing the Babbling Beverage," he says excitedly. "But you have to create the antidote as well. You and your partner will need to make both potions at nearly the same time."

In front of me I see Remus and Mackenzie instantly whispering to each other.

"Mates, what are you whispering about?" Sirius mutters to them.

"The instructions are on the board. You should have all of the ingredients, if not, the missing ones are on my desk. Peter, since you don't have a partner, you only have to make the Babbling Beverage. Begin."

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