Chapter 58

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Lily's POV

Alice and I are sitting in the common room when Mackenzie and Marlene come back from the Quidditch. Somehow Mack got Marlene laughing which is awesome. "Hey loves!" Marlene winks before sprinting over and diving onto our laps. Immediately I grunt from the impacting force.

"Get off me you lump." I shove her off and she falls onto her bottom on the floor.

"JAMES!" Marlene screeches. I look over my shoulder and see the four Marauders standing on the stairs shocked. "Control your girlfriend, she's being mean."

James face hardens and goes blank. "I can't help you Marlene. It's not like Lily will listen to me. I am merely an acquaintance to her." His eyes linger on me for a minute before he struts out of the common room which has fallen silent.

I look over at Mackenzie and Marlene and see them just as shocked as I am with their eyes wide and mouths open. Mackenzie hesitantly takes steps forward and grips strongly onto Sirius' ear. She yanks down and instantly Sirius lets out a girly yelp. "What the hell was that about?" she growls.

Remus moves quickly and wraps his arms around Mack's stomach to pull her away from Sirius. Mackenzie gives in and slumps against Remus. "Why was James such a-"

Remus clamps his hand over her mouth. "Watch your language Mackenzie. There are first years in the room."

Sirius shrugs and looks over his shoulder at Peter. "We don't know what's up his butt."

Marlene chuckles softly but stops when I give her a fierce glare.

"He's trying a new tactic to get Lily's attention," Remus whispers, just loud enough for me to hear but quiet enough no one else notices. "Instead of giving her all of his attention, he's giving her none of it." He lets go of Mack and motions for the other boys to follow him.

"We have to go do damage control," Remus tells Mack and holds out his hand. "I know what you took, can I have it back?"

Mack turns back to me and I toss her the wadded-up cloak. It lands perfectly in her hands before getting passed over. Remus starts to walk away but Mack quickly grabs his arm. "Don't do anything stupid," she says softly before leaning up and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I turn my head away immediately as a traitor tear escapes my left eye. Marlene comes and sits down next to me. She and Alice wrap their arms around my shoulders. Mack walks over slowly and kneels down in front of me. She reaches up and wipes away the tear.

"Boys are stupid," she says softly before sitting back on her heels. "That's why we have each other."

I shake my head and drop it to my chest. "Is this how you feel when you see Sirius giving attention to another girl?"

I hear a gulp from my right. "Yes."

Mack reaches out and takes Marlene's right hand and holds it tight. "I may not be able to do Legilimency like my father can but I know they both have feelings for you two. They just don't know how to say it."

Marlene scuffs, "Just because you have a soulmate doesn't mean you can be optimistic about everyone else?"

Mack stands up. "You don't sleep in their dorm occasionally and hear what they say while sound asleep." She turns and walks up the staircase to our dorm before Alice gets up. Alice sends us a small smile before skipping away after Mackenzie.

"They talk about us?" Marlene says quietly. I look over at her and see her already looking at me. "Do you realize what this means?" she exclaims happily before throwing her arms around me.

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