.........A Plea......

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Asalmu Alaykum dear readers,

I won't take much of your time because I know how most of us do not like reading Author's Not but this is important..!

Okay, um. Thank you to every one of you who take their time out to read and comment and vote on my book. I'm going through a rough time and seriously when I log onto Wattpad couple of days after and I'm surprised to find my newsfeed flooded with votes and notifications. It made me happy beyond words....! This overly sad soul was smiling because of you guys! So please continue doing this....

Secondly, I have uploaded a new story Broken Hearts and Caged Souls under the account name @DestructibleYou

Due to some personal reasons, I didn't publish this book in my this account. So, I would like you guys to give it a shot. I have uploaded Prologue for it. It's a different book. Sad. A bit Romantic. and Spiritual. 

Right now, I'm going through a hard time. I'm this close to be actually diagnosed with clinical depression. My paternal grandmother passed away a month ago and we are having some financial issues and this book is helping me through my spiritual journey...So give it a shot.


Fallen Stars next chapter will be uploaded soon. I have written half of it. And, I'll upload it as soon as I can. 

PLEASE remember me in your prayers....



PS: I have dedicated this to @DestuctibleYou  to make it easy for you all to find the story

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