[FS]: Chapter Twenty One: Walking Away

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Here's to the last chapter of this book. I have so much to say, so much thanks to cry out and so many tears to shed and I'll do the Final Authors Note, after an epilogue. Just bear it a little more.😬

Q/A: If you guys have any questions related to anything Private Message me or write down in the comment below. I'll be answering them (that is if I get questions😵)

Have a good day.❤

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Instagram: wardah_mk7

Chapter Twenty One

Walking Away

(Aayan Aslam)

Ever since Dad died I knew life is just a game changer. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don't. You gain or you might feel everything slip away between your fingers.

Life doesn't always goes the way we plan it to go. You don't ask for certain things but they happen. You wish to freeze moments and that is just a painful expectations of what life is.

I couldn't shake off the sense of victory I felt when every thing Wiltonians ever owned was crucified away, and I felt the thirst of revenge quenching in my throat as I killed like a mad man. I felt my heart at peace for my dad, for mum and for Aseer. Almost, a maniac smile was plastered on my face. I was achieving what I dreamed of day and night. Ending Wilton once and for all.

And, I would do anything to make sure that I was paying attention to my surrounding and looking after the people I loved and I was supposed to guide them, wasn't I?

My guilt rises thousand times when my eyes fall on what lay behind the glass windows. Lifeless. On the bed. In a coma. For two months straight.

My life is right there and yet here I'm breathing, and living while she is battling her life away.

Why did I let Maahirah slip away? Why didn't I make sure where she was? I hated myself for this.

Sighing, I turn away. Today I have no courage to go and talk to her about positivism and how strong I was being. Hell, I can't even face her parents.

I walk out of the international hospital in Minnesota, her hometown. I call an Uber and get in it.

Once he starts driving, I put my head back on the headrest and think about my dead brother, Haaziq. The ever serious twin of Haazim lost his life the day of the battle and I was in too much pain to grieve the deaths of the people we lost. Haaziq, Jarred and Ian. The three people out of 20 were unlucky to surpass death. Destiny ended up with broken ribs, Jules is going through treatment for depression, apparently she was in love with Haaziq. And, then there is Maahirah, still stuck between life and death.

The Uber Driver looks at me. I stare right back at him wondering what he wants. He motions towards the hotel. Oh, we have reached our destination. I dig into my pocket hand him the required cash. He thanks me and then almost hesitantly, he asks me, "Are you okay?"

I nod in a haste to get away. Once I get down, he quickly zooms away to get to his next ride.

Once I'm in the confinement of my room, I lock it and pull out the wire to the telephone that always rings up during breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner time. I am in no mood to entertain anyone.

I pick up my backpack that is by the closet and sit on the couch. I find the box of cigarettes and light one. Taking a puff of it, I lean back into the couch and throw my legs up on the coffee table.

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